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Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Day of the Triffids - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Always one of my favorite sic fi films I was intrigue to learn that it is based on a novel written in 1951 by John Wyndham,that I never read and have now heard that there are a few MAJOR flaws in this 1962 film that runs 93 minutes,as compared to that novel,well excuse me !!!! There have been 2 BBC TV series also based on this novel and I am told the 1982 series is truer to the book.I shall get it and then review and we shall see.Meanwhile back to this release.Janina Faye as a young runway school girl and Howard Keel as a recovering from a eye injury sailor are wonderful in one storyline and Kieron Moore and Janette Scott as a married research team on a lighthouse are fine in the second storyline.The issue is a meteor shower light show that blinds anyone who viewed it.That would be bad enough,but there are carnivores on the loose.Giant plants that came to earth on a meteor and have now been setting them selves loose on the blinded world.Oh the horror !!!Loved it so.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below. 

A shower of meteorites produces a glow that blinds anyone that looks at it. As it was such a beautiful sight, most people were watching, and as a consequence, 99% of the population go blind. In the original novel, this chaos results in the escape of some Triffids: experimental plants that are capable of moving themselves around and attacking people. In the film version, however, the Triffids are not experimental plants. Instead they are space aliens whose spores have arrived in an earlier meteor shower. Written by Murray Chapman <>, edited by Triffid Fan

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