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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tower Heist - 4 stars out of 5 stars

If only this was the real Bernie Madoff story !!!Released in 2011 and running 104 minutes,here's a humorous fantasy of the little guy taking down the ponzi type king.I had to take 1 star off because many lives were harmed by the real Madoff and well,even the win here isa little hard to believe,however it is a feel good movie in the end.Oh and its one the better recent efforts by Ben Stiller or Eddie Murphy for that matter and its good to see Gabourey Sidibe play for laughs as well as a bunch on other good performances including the bad guy by Alan Alda.Now the plot is simple enough as the IMDB summary states below,

"When a group of hard working guys find out they've fallen victim to a wealthy business man's Ponzi scheme, they conspire to rob his high-rise residence. "

That said its a crazy take on a dumb "Oceans 11" type robbery only there are no "pros"here.Some good jokes and the car scenes are not to be believed !!!!
Trailer URL follows the picture,and if  your willing,you will receive LAUGHS.

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