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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Searchers - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Star Trek Alert !!! Look for Lenard Nimoy at the 1 hour 32 minute mark in a very short playing the fiddle scene.
Now back to this 1956 film that runs  119 minutes. That said,I only took 1/2 star off because I didn't buy the whole end.
The reason to see it is because the Indian fighting against the  Comanche is one of the reasons the Mexican Government invited Americanos to Texas to begin with.
A big part of Texas history thereafter,including after the US Civil war,remained indian wars.Quanah Parker,was the Texas/Comanche version of Geronimo in many ways.He was born of a kidnapped white woman and therein is the sort of history this film looks at.
Kidnapping whites and all that it includes.That may not be politically correct,but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.I strongly recommend for those who want to know more about Texas than just the Alamo.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Ethan Edwards, returned from the Civil War to the Texas ranch of his brother, hopes to find a home with his family and to be near the woman he obviously but secretly loves. But a Comanche raid destroys these plans, and Ethan sets out, along with his 1/8 Indian nephew Martin, on a years-long journey to find the niece kidnapped by the Indians under Chief Scar. But as the quest goes on, Martin begins to realize that his uncle's hatred for the Indians is beginning to spill over onto his now-assimilated niece. Martin becomes uncertain whether Ethan plans to rescue Debbie...or kill her. Written by Jim Beaver <>

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