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Friday, March 16, 2012

Gnomeo and Juliet - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

I must say up front that I am not a fan of cartoons in general.The reason I watched this one was the re-worked soundtrack of Elton John music and the fact it was a english flick instead of the standard pixar/disney animation.For a little while I found the animation of garden statues interesting than boring.Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story,this is a typical girl and boy will get together no matter what so the "name"is misleading.That said even the re-worked music is a little weak.Thus I rate it 50-50 nearly watchable but a nice change from pixar  or disney if you need that.Released in 2011 it runs a short 84 minutes.
Most of the voices are english with a few americans thrown in like Hulk Hogan.The noteworthy voices include,Emily Blunt,Michael Caine,Maggie Smith,Jason Statham,Ozzy Osbourne and Patrick Stewart amongst others.Trailer URL follows the pix.IMDB summary below.

The neighboring gardens of Montague and Capulet are at war, but the gnomes, Gnomeo and Juliet, are in love.

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