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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jungle Fever - 3 stars out of 5 stars

One of the best soundtracks of any movie ever.That said,Spike takes a little easy way out by have a middle class black cheating on his wife with a middle class white woman.More likely would have been intense teen relationship with the future at risk,but,still the middle class relationship has its own risks.It's just that I expected more edge from Spike.Another great cast and they try hard.Of note is a small role by Halle Berry as a crack whore and  small role by legendary Anthony Quinn as well as Spike regulars Sam L Jackson,Ossie and Ruby and John Turturro  and a whole bunch of other good actors,including Spike, help Wesley Snipes and Annabella Sciorra pull of the rather tame by Spike standards,forbidden love story.I liked it but it's in the middle of his volume of films.Released in 1991 it runs a little long at 131 minutes.You should enjoy it even if I took 2 stars off for the length  and not as edgy as I wished.Still its a Spike film and no one does it quite as good as Spike.Trailer URL follows the pix and a brief IMDB summary below.

Friends and family of a married black architect react in different ways to his affair with an Italian secretary.

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