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Saturday, August 11, 2012

What's Your Number? - 4 stars out of 5 stars

OK we know all about how comedy is personal,yadda,yadda,and I always be lov'in me some Anna Faris,whom sadly makes some lousy movies that no one would see if not for her,but be warned,this is full of VERY ADULT content.Only she could pull off the off color jokes and situations and you still love her for that shred of innocence that is always there just below her characters surface.While the rest of the cast has talent and you've seen most of them before,this film relies on her and her alone.Released in 2011 and running but 106 minutes,I took the one star off for the STRONG sexual innuendoes but hey,so many OTHER comedies are full of drug innuendos,I rather prefer sex,just me.I'll tell you this,her "number"is shocking,but only she can pull it off without seeming to be a slut.Oh,by the way,a girls number is "how many guys she slept with."My number is…….,MUCH less than her's,ha,ha.
Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

A woman looks back at the past twenty men she's had relationships with in her life and wonders if one of them might be her one true love.

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