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Sunday, August 12, 2012

J. Edgar - 2 and 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Clint Eastwood may not have done his best work directing this film.Released in 2011 and running a very long 137 minutes,I was bored and confused but I wanted to k now so much about the man,J Edgar Hoover who just might have been the most powerful man alive in his day.Yet what we get is a so/so back and forth confusing rehash of some very questionable parts of his life.Thats why I took 2 1/2 star off.Perhaps the issue is the final cut and editing,I don't know,but I wanted so much and got little.I thought everything was was done acting and film wise except the total story and concept of how it was done.So i recommend only for serious government geeks who want to know who Hoover was ( head of the FBI for 48 years and 8 presidents) as there is no other film about him.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Biopic of J. Edgar Hoover told by Hoover as he recalls his career for a biography. Early in his career, Hoover fixated on Communists, anarchists and any other revolutionary taking action against the U.S. government. He slowly builds the agency's reputation, becoming the sole arbiter of who gets hired and fired. One of his hires is Clyde Tolson who is quickly promoted to Assistant Director and would be Hoover's confidant and companion for the rest of Hoover's life. Hoover's memories have him playing a greater role in the many high profile cases the FBI was involved in - the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, the arrest of bank robbers like John Dillinger - and also show him to be quite adept at manipulating the various politicians he's worked with over his career, thanks in large part to his secret files. Written by garykmcd

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