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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Red Dawn - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Good film IF you suspend your belief a little.However isn't that what movies are for?This film suggests that the US will be invaded by Soviet paratroops and ground forces thru Mexico after Cuba and Nicaragua  invade it.In he cold war days it made for good story telling and perhaps still does with illegals crossing the border every day.Release in 1984 and running 115 minutes it fed on cold war fears while just taking the old Guerrilla  story and putting it in the midwest of this country.So because the story is not new nor is the US really believable I took off 2 stars.Still a great young cast try hard and well,if you believe it could happen.I bought the movie,sue me.Below is a brief storyline from IMDB.Oh and did I mention Charlie Sheen??Before "winning"but oddly enough he was winning in this film by his acting.Trailer follows pix.

It is the mid-1980s. From out of the sky, Soviet & Cuban troops begin landing on the football field of a Colorado high school. In seconds, the paratroops have attacked the school & sent a group of teenagers fleeing into the mountains. Armed only with hunting rifles, pistols & bows and arrows, the teens struggles to survive the bitter winter & Soviet KGB patrols hunting for them. Eventually trouble arises when they kill a group of Soviet soldiers on patrol in the highlands. Soon, they will wage their own guerrilla warfare against the invading Soviet troops....under the banner of 'Wolverines'! Written by Derek O'Cain

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