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Monday, July 18, 2011

Dogma - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1999 and running a little long at 130 minutes its not at first glance a film i thought i'd like.Boy was I wrong.I took 1 star off because it is so irreverent.Below is a review from IMDB that sums it up pretty well.I recommend highly and trailer URL follows pix.

A winner on many counts
29 April 2007 | by lastliberal (United States)
It is not often that you get to see a group of stars that you like in a funny movie that also makes some interesting points.
Matt Damon (The Bourne Ultimatum ), Linda Fiorentino (Unforgettable). Severus Snape, Jay and Silent Bob, Salma Hayek (Frida), George Carlin, and, of course, God (Alanis Morissette), all join to make this irreverent and funny movie.
The premise is so interesting, and the fact that it is set in New Jersey is so appropriate, whether intentional or not. As a recovering Catholic, I remember the teaching of the church that I could basically sin all I want, but if I repent at the end, I will be saved and go to heaven. New Jersey is reputedly the home of many undesirable criminals with vowels on the ends of their names - maybe some of them even relatives of mine - and I know they are predominately Catholic. I am sure they are counting on this "escape clause," just as Loki and Bartleby were counting on the same thing.
Yes, while I was laughing, I was also carefully looking at the images {the golden calf (money) we worship} and listening to the lines. There is a wealth of material in this movie and it was thoroughly enjoyable.
One to see again and again.

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