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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

12 Angry Men - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Because of the uproar on the Casey Anthony case I think we should all reflect on what it means to serve on a Jury.I have and did.This film was released in 1957 and runs a short 96 minutes.The story is not relevant to ether OJ or Casey but it tells of what it means to have someones life in your hands.I took a star off because its in b&w and a one act play on film.We never know the jurors names but they are in the room to decide the fate in a so called open and shut case.One juror is not sure,Henry Fonda and wants to discuss it.As the day drags on we see how hard it is to ditch preconceived notions and delay our own lives to ponder the fate of a stranger.Its hard and dirty for the 50's but its a look into our souls and what it truly means to be a american.Trailer follows pix

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