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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Madame Claude - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1977 and running 105 minutes this film is also known as "The French Woman"I took 1 star off because of the "soft porn aspect"Its more than that however,its adult french cinema using more sex to tell a story thanUS cinema does.The music is good,acting is good and story well,I think its typical of cold war story telling.Heres a IMDB summary below,sorry no trailer is available but a scene URL is and it follows below the pix.My DVD is dubbed.I highly recommend for adult viewing.

Supposedly true story of Madame Claude, who provided high-class call girls to dignitaries and heads of state. In this film, photographer David Evans is attempting to clear his own criminal record by providing the authorities with pictures of Claude's girls with important clients in compromising positions. Written by Jeff DeMarco <>

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