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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Starship Troopers -3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Not a bad idea here but really gory more than it has to be.Thus 1 1 /2 stars off and the acting is "b" list at best.That aside the idea of insects always creeped me out and give them the ability to fight our "space"force, although we only really see ground battles,is scary.So to is the hidden message that its ok to trample on our freedom when our lives are at steak.There are sequels to this but the original is the only really watchable one.My favorite scenes are the newscasts that always end with,"Want to know more?"The creepiness of the bugs along with the manipulative newscasts make this a must see one time view for fans of sci-fi and message films. Released in 1997 it runs a little long at 129 mintes.Trailer URL below pix.

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