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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Keep - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Michael Mann and Tangerine Dream,Director and Music,2 of my fav's and you'll see them in about 5 or 6 films I've already reviewed.I had to take 1 1/2 stars off this one because the story is short and the film quality available is bad.Sad because its a creepy  good idea. Released in 1983 and running 96 minutes .Here from IMDB is a brief synopsis of the film.

Nazis are sent to guard an old, mysterious fortress in a Romanian pass. One of them mistakenly releases an unknown force trapped within the walls. A mysterious stranger senses this from his home in Greece and travels to the keep to vanquish the force. As soldiers are killed, a Jewish man and his daughter (who are both knowledgeable of the keep) are brought in to find out what is happening. Review Written by Brian House

What makes this film interesting and worthy to be REMADE and released in better DVD quality is the idea set forth by this creature who is set free BUT cannot leaves the confines of the keep without someone moving a "talisman"is that this evil with destroy the Nazi evil for this Jewish fellow if he removes the talisman.Who is the bigger evil and what would you have done??The cast is excellent.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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