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Friday, July 29, 2011

The Basket - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1999 and running 105 minutes there is little not to like other than a few small errors about WW1 and Peter Coyotes bad Boston accent,1/2 star off for that.Ah but everything else is perfect.The story is simple yet tragic,hopeful in spite of obstacles and symbolic in its use of the still new game of Basketball and a German Opera called The Basket. Karen Allen is the reason I sought out this film and was not prepared for the sweeping saga that unfolded.Its set in the pacific northwest during WW1 and involves a brother and sister who were orphaned by the war and have been adopted by a minister in Waterville Washington.The problems begin because the orphans are German and a family in town has lost a son to the war.No easily ether.He was first crippled than dies at home on his farm.His family issues only start there.Into this mix comes a teacher from Boston with his game of Basketball.He had played for the inventor Niesmith you see. He also brings with him the Opera "The Basket"on LP records as a cultural learning device.From there the story takes off.This is a must see if hard to watch film.Hard to watch because its a period piece and we NEED to remember back then what a different world it truly was.Remember out houses,one room school houses ??This film does.No matter how different it was then,the film reminds us that as people we haven't changed really.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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