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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quadrophenia - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Tommy was not the only rock opera "The Who" wrote.They also did "Quadrophenia"on which this film is based.However this is a straight out film not not the traditional musical form of "Tommy"Filmed in b&w with a all british cast it can be hard to follow sometimes and the story is not so different from others about alienation and frustration and confusion as you come of age.What this film does have is a good soundtrack and a small acting role for Sting that was funny I thought.The real difference over this film and US films of the same ilk is that in the UK there was a class system and along those lines a sort of social systems between "Mods"those young who dressed neatly and rode motor scooters and the"rockers"who wore leather jackets and boots and rode motorcycles.Music tastes also varied as did some other facts of young life.However just as some of the youth here crossed the line in say,interracial dating,some in the UK tried to also cross the line in music and attitudes.This is not a great film,maybe not even a good one,but far more enlightening and important than Tommy was IMHO !!! I took 2 stars off because of B&W and UK accents as well as a incoherent in places script.released in 1979 it runs 117 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

London, 1965: Like many other youths, Jimmy hates the philistine life, especially his parents and his job in a company's mailing division. Only when he's together with his friends, a 'Mod' clique, cruises London on his motor-scooter and hears music such as that of 'The Who' and 'The High Numbers', he feels free and accepted. However, it's a flight into an illusionary world. Written by Tom Zoerner <>

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kelly's Heros - 4 stars out of 5 stars

What do you get when you mix "The Dirty Dozen",with "Full Metal Jacket" and sprinkle  in"The Good the Bad and The Ugly"?? A pretty damn good movie !!!!
Clint Eastwood plays Kelly,a former the US army and now is just a regular GI after some battle went bad and he was the fall guy.Now he's under the command of"Big John"a sergeant played by Telly Savalas,who's tough enough but trying to keep himself and his men alive.One night Big John sent Kelly to get a german as a prisoner so he could get intel on a town they were advancing on.However what Kelly learns is the kind of intel that makes risking your life worth it for profit.16 million dollars worth in German gold bars !!!!Enough said.Now get that gold!!!!Throw in Donald Sutherland as a spaced out tank commander called "Odd Ball"and a recognizable supporting cast that is great in their roles and we have a really different sort of war film with a climatic confrontation with a German Tiger tank near the end of the film that is OUTSTANDING !!!!Released in 1970 its a little long at 144 minutes and some parts of the plat are really out there,this 1 star off,but all in all,its a funny good time as much as any war film can be.Trailer URL follows the pix.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Midnight in Paris - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Woody Allen never changes.The stories and actors are tweaked but the story is always about mixed and confused relationships and the pompotus of love with a heavy dose of neurosis,shaken AND stirred, for good measure.ALWAYS !!!Thats why I take 1 and 1/2 stars off,nothing new has been added to the formula.Owen Wilson becomes a young and far more "hip"Woody playing this films main character,Gil.There are a lot of other fine actors in this film but as in all Allen films,they and their roles are submissive to the "Allen"character.
Owen has played some funny roles in the past and is a easy sell for a Allen film.
I won't go into details about one of my top 10 films of all time,"Somewhere in time"other than to say its painfully obvious Allen"borrows"from it to round out the "Time Travel" aspects involved in this films fantasy.You can see that review on this blog.However this film is not about sci-fi or fantasy and used time travel only to expand the confusion of Gil's  complicated love life and career brought about by the city of romance and heartbreak,Paris.Released in 2011 and running a just right 94 minutes,the movie may be a new spin on locations as Allen is leaving the safety and comfort of NYC in his old age,BUT otherwise,there is nothing new here.For Allen lovers and those who want a light,mixed up love story.Nothing more or less.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Gil and Inez travel to Paris as a tag-along vacation on her parents' business trip. Gil is a successful Hollywood writer but is struggling on his first novel. He falls in love with the city and thinks they should move there after they get married, but Inez does not share his romantic notions of the city or the idea that the 1920s was the golden age. When Inez goes off dancing with her friends, Gil takes a walk at midnight and discovers what could be the ultimate source of inspiration for writing. Gil's daily walks at midnight in Paris could take him closer to the heart of the city but further from the woman he's about to marry. Written by napierslogs

Monday, May 28, 2012

Gung Ho ( 1986) - 3 stars out of 5 stars

An early Ron Howard film that dared to broach a sensitive topic with satirical humor,Japanese quality production vs American complacency.Released in 1986 and not to be confused with a early war movie,and running 112 minutes this film looks at a closed US auto factory reopened by the Japanese.Timely but dated and full of cliches,its still worth a view and I only took the 2 stars off because the subject matter really isn't funny and should have been done as a "black"comedy if done right.Still Howard managers to pull if off as a light weight farce mainly because of 2 fine acting jobs and a whole bunch of good acting in supporting roles as well.Michael Keaton as Hunt Stevenson,leader of the old union trying to get the townsfolk on course with the new Japanese way of doing things and Gedde Watanabe as Oishi Kazihiro,a failing Japanese executive who gets one last chance to redeem himself running this new plant.  
There are some fine  cultural clashes and both are a little over the top portraying their characters as overt cliches.The softball game is classic as is a scene showing how Oishi kids are being"americanized"However my favorite is when our two leeds are discussing the upcoming softball game and they state how both drink beer after the game and the americans piss for distance and the Japanese piss for accuracy.
Expect some laughs and a light look at what was a very serious problem then.Trailer URL follows the pix.IMDB summary below

Hunt Stevenson works for a large car manufacturer that has just been bought out by a Japanese firm. Suddenly finding himself having to justify his own job, he's forced to choose between redundancy or the seemingly inhuman Japanese work ethic that the new owners have brought with them. Written by Murray Chapman <>

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Escape From L.A. - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This film succeeds in one thing only.You do not have to see "Escape from NY "to get it.Sadly however if you did see "Escape from NY "you'll hate this film.Thus only 2 1/2 stars,a 50/50 film at best.I won't discuss the other film as I have already reviewed it before and you can read that.However this film while it is really wholly contained it pales to the other.Not only is it a 90% rehash but it has some serious flaws not seen in the other classic.First the FX is very weak.The surfing scene is laughable and I don't mean just the acting.Second,the acting.Silly and cheeky by almost everyone BUT Mr.Russell who is more weathered and believable as Snake in this film.The hard times shows on his face this time,its not just a "pretty boy"with a 5 day stubble.Third the idea that LA can be run down and be breaking down society wise as a deportation destination is contradicted by the overt beauty and sexiness of the women in the sort of "Sodom and Gomorrah"its become.You can't have that sort  of griminess  and glitz together. I just don't buy that.Finally the stories plot about a fascist right wing fanatic state is not as entertaining as the desperation of the perpetuate warring state the  NY film is about. Both are not believable,or are they????Iraq,Afghanistan,maybe Iran,Pakistan,Yemen,The Sudan,Syria,Libya..Contrasted with the Tea party,gay marriage,smoking,red meat sex without marriage and God speaking to the president. Hummmmmm. Released in 1996 it runs 101 minutes.I only reviewed it because as a sequel it meets the rule of "stand alone". But as a "Stand alone"it sometimes falls on its own face.See it once for it is entertaining for cliche's alone,but only once.Trailer URL follows the pix.IMDB summary below.

The year is 2013 and Snake Plissken is back but this time it's L.A., which through the agency of earthquakes has become an island of the damned. But something has gone wrong in this new moral order, because the President's daughter has absconded to L.A. with a detonation device, and Snake is commandeered to retrieve it. But just below the surface there is a coiled Snake ready to strike. Written by Anthony Pereyra {}

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dune - 3 stars out of 5 stars

A film that is both throughout provoking and madding at the same time.I never read the book its based on,but as a movie,its the first time I ever heard about folding space over itself to transverse vast difference.Today's that a big time theory with worm holes and such.
Many new ideas were brought forth to me,but,in a incoherent way.Maybe it was me,or just maybe the film maker,David Lynch,oh wait,thats his stick.That is my biggest complaint plus the films  length.Thus 1 and 1/2 stars off.
Released in 1984 it runs 134 minutes.The cast is really good and a mix of actors you don't see in many places.I have to single out a crazy,in a good way, Sting as Feyd Rautha,a bad guy killed in a "knife"fight,yes,they still do those barbaric things when the can fold space and time,by Kyle MacLachlan as Paul Atreides a man out for revenge and becomes,well,GOD !!! Add spice and you have your drugs and sex and violence and a too little role for Jürgen Prochnow    as Duke Leto Atreides,killed off, and the cause of Pauls revenge.Alicia Witt as Alia is creepy,in a good way,and the rest of the cast is ok if not memorable,sorry that includes Patrick Steward.  Trailer URL follow the pix and a IMDB summary below

In the distant future, a man appears who may be the prophet that a long-suffering galaxy has been waiting for.
n the far future, a duke and his family are sent by the Emperor to a sand world from which comes a spice that is essential for interstellar travel. The move is designed to destroy the duke and his family, but his son escapes and seeks revenge as he uses the world's ecology as one of his weapons. Written by John Vogel <>

Friday, May 25, 2012

Irma La Douce - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Another historical landmark film.Released in 1963 and written and directed by Billy Wilder,it signals that a new world is here.Nothing can be off limits if treated with humor and good intensions.Morality and the sexual revolution will forever be changed as signaled by mainstream Hollywood.It's ok for a cop to lose his job by trying to enforce moral standards decreed by law.Its ok for a woman to have sex with many men for the love of HER man.Professionalism is the key no matter even if its the"oldest"profession.
Only talents like Shirley MacLaine and Jack Lemmon and a great supporting cast could pull this moral morass off and make it enjoyable if not totally believable.Therein is the problem and why I took 1 and 1/2 stars off.Besides the way to long length of 145 minutes,there is no real believable ending because of the absurdity of the storyline.There is no"good"hooker,or nice "pimps"even if the local is France after WW11.Total crap but a fine "adult"fantasy for all the guys that wish their girls were as talented as a "pro"or for women who think what it would be like to have men fall all over them as they throw money at them for something they would do anyway with the right"one"but as far as a "story"no,not here,just funny cliches and seeing the beginning of a new direction in comedy.See the characters do love each other so its all good for THEM.
Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.See it once,but more than that??

In Paris, an ex-cop falls in love with a prostitute, and tries to get her out of that life by paying for all of her time. Not so easy...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Western Union - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

There may have been more westerns made than any other kind of film back in the day because it was a truly unique to the US experience.The rest of the world loved them as most of us did.The problem was distortion of facts and a lot of crap but most were entertaining and told of a morality that is considered by most today as just plain corny.
One of the major stars of this film genre was Randolph Scott and in this film he plays Vance Shaw a gunman trying to go straight and also Robert Young as Richard Blake a young surveyor who is as they say in westerns"a tenderfoot"The plot is sort of contrived but there are a few strong heroic scenes to show the morality of good vs evil including a confrontation by Vance against the films bad guy Barton MacLane  as Jack Slade,Vance's brother.Yes its gonna get biblical !!!! The plot isn't as important as the action and morality.The acting is good and the rest of the cast are veterans of the era.My only issue is I never really bought the idea that the "indians"were really bad white guys.Small issue ha,ha.That plus the dated-ness of this 1941 release takes the 1 and 1/2 stars come off.It's just right at 95 minutes and if you've seen some other movies I recommend like Blazzing saddles and Northwest passage, you'll enjoy this one as well.  The trailer following the pix is a scene from as I couldn't find the real trailer from so long ago.Small IMDB summary below.

When Edward Creighton leads the construction of the Western Union to unite East with West, he hires a Western reformed outlaw and a tenderfoot Eastern surveyor.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oklahoma - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Must see for historical content.First off its a "G"rated old school hollywood musical that they really don't make anymore.Almost every 5 to 10 minutes the dialog breaks into wonderful Roger and Hammerstein music score.It's corny at times but it does stay in your head.Second the story is easy yet moral,again simple by todays morality and thats sad.Todays morality that is.Finally,truly well done both on screen acting and singing and dancing and behind the scenes production wise.The mix of location vs lot settings is hardly noticeable if at all.
Now the reason we take 1 star off is because s good as it is,it's dated by that goodness.Corny is square today and there is not one black performer.Released in 1955 that film reminds us that there were 2 film industries back then as segregation was still the law in many places.We don't notice that as much is earlier films but the 50's were "the good old days"Rock and Roll and yet,even as baseball player Jackie Robinson was making inroads,performers like Paul Robeson were not.Plus at 145 minutes,its a mite to long.
Almost all the cast are deceased today but for me I must mention two of them.First Rod Steiger as Jud Fry,the bad guy is almost TOO bad for this movie. Truly  one of the best actors that ever was.Second Eddie Albert as Ali Hakim,the traveling "Persian" peddler is funny as he struggles with both the accent and trying to"americanize"one of our biggest threats today(but not then)It's hard not to see the difference in times just within that character.You don't have to be"gay"to like show tunes,especially in a movie such as this.Trailer URL follows the pix as well as a brief IMDB summary below that really does cover the whole plot.A bucket list movie for sure.

In the Oklahoma territory at the turn of the twentieth century, two young cowboys vie with an evil ranch hand and a traveling peddler for the hearts of the women they love.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Horrible Bosses - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2011 and running 98 minutes I took 2 stars off this film because it brings nothing new to "black comedy"because we've seen all this, in various ways,before.Still its viewable because of its cast,all "A"listers and they bring the energy.All are good but Kevin Spacey as Dave Harken,one of the bosses, is standout, as he always is. The simple plot is 3 friends have ok type jobs but horrible bosses and how great it would be if those bosses were dead.The 3 friends are Jason Bateman,Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis. The 3 bosses are the aforementioned Spacey,Colin Farrell and Jennifer Aniston.Our guys seek out help and find advice in the "hood"from Jamie Foxx as Dean 'MF' Jones who they think is a bad dude. Most of the film is kinda silly but the darkness comes in and makes the film watchable because they get one boss to kill another purely by accident and then have to get the cops to arrest him instead of them.Worth a view for sure but more than one view,er,not so sure.Trailer URL follows the pix.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The War Boys - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Very strange film.Let me say that the title is deceptive as is the buzz on the internet about it.It's not a war film unless growing up is war,nor is it a gay film unless a man and woman kissing is forever to be called a heterosexual film.Its a weird mix of coming of age and aloofness set in the border between Mexico and the US.Usually these "where am I and what am I doing with my life",have been urban city films for the most part.There have be a few exceptions and this is the best of the lot in that respect.Here we have 3 guys who in HS called themselves"the war boys"because they chased"beaners"for fun and reported them to the border patrol.It's strange that one of them,Victor Rasuk as Greg,is hispanic himself and admits he would do anything to "fit in" so he could "get out". Brian J. Smith as George is white trash with hispanic"kid sister"he doesn't like because she's different,wonderfully played by Cheyenne Serano as Cat.Finally the third is Benjamin Walker as David,the son of a well off and not so much liked "business man" Peter Gallagher     as Slater .The gay theme comes from a long hidden but final coming out between George and David. While this may seem shocking and "earth shaking"it's minor compared to what happens as a result of a boredom and "getting back at dad"scheme that goes horribly wrong. Other more  familiar themes are older woman Micaela Nevárez as Marta,last chance for love with younger boy Greg.Stuff we've seen before but in different contexts and not with such catastrophic end results caused by their own indifference while coping with getting by because of  the silly prank they pulled to get back at David's dad Slater.It's not a film for everyone and many might not even check it out because of preconceived notions.That would be YOUR mistake.
The ending is haunting and will stay with you for quite a while.One of the independent films well worth the effort.Only short coming is the lack of real drug cartel dangers of todays world.Released in 2009 it runs 100 minutes and I took 1 star off for the lack of reality ignoring the drug aspects today.Trailer URL follows the picture.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mean Streets - 3 stars out of 5 stars

It was great when it came out but it doesn't stand up over time.Martin Scorsese wrote and directed and his 2 main stars Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel  may never have been better.However the rest of the cast is "b"level and act that way.In the end,you really don't care about the characters as you do in say,"The Godfather"plus it looks like it was made 40 years ago,oh,I forgot,IT WAS.However the music is of the time as is the "feel"Not as good as "Saturday Night Fever"you get the feel this was to be his future if  you followed that films logic.Anyway,it is required viewing once for historical and film history.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.Released in 1973 it runs 112 minutes and I took the 2 stars off for the reasons I mentioned.

The future is set for Tony and Michael - owning a neighbour- hood bar and making deals in the mean streets of New York city's Little Italy. For Charlie, the future is less clearly defined. A small-time hood, he works for his uncle, making collections and reclaiming bad debts. He's probably too nice to succeed. In love with a woman his uncle disapproves of (because of her epilepsy) and a friend of her cousin, Johnny Boy, a near psychotic whose trouble-making threatens them all - he can't reconcile opposing values. A failed attempt to escape (to Brooklyn) moves them all a step closer to a bitter, almost preordained future. Written by Dave Cook <>

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Rose - 3 stars out of 5 stars

A strange film.On one hand we have the "Divine Miss M" playing "The Rose",a compilation of many types of female singing stars.On the other hand,another film making excuses for those who mess up a promising life.Released in 1979 it runs a long 125 minutes and the music is not as good as one would have thought.Thus 2 stars off. It's just a movie that allows the "Divine Miss M"to show why she my be the best live performer around while having a script about folks we really don't care about such as a messed up small town performer goes big and can't handle it with a mean old manager and questionable relationships.Not very interesting.Still,I recommend a view just for the "Divine Miss M".
Trailer follows the pix and a IMDB summery below.

Bette Midler plays "Rose", an artist strikingly similar to Janis Joplin. The film follows Rose's career during her last tour. Her rock and roll lifestyle of Drugs, Sex, and Rock and Roll and constant touring lead her to an inevitable breakdown. Written by R. John Berggren <>

Friday, May 18, 2012

Switch ( 1991 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Blake Edwards makes very "adult"comedies.I've already done"10".Now we do "Switch".Another film that other films have the same name but I'm not aware if they are remakes or different.This film is different then most in its genre. The theme is,dead person comes back in another body before they can"move on".Not new, done many ,many times before and since. However Edwards has a way of mixing his "message"into comedy like no other.I've put the IMDB summary below and it seems straight forward yuks.Not so fast.There is a message about "gays"being as sensitive yet flawed as are we all are.Also a very subtile yet strong right to life message that is the true punch line of the movie after a gay ride through hypocrisy.Very intelligent and as funny as it sometimes is,you'll discuss the movie later.My only real complaint was the "walking in heels"joke is dragged on to long as is a few others.However thats a small price to pay for the punchline.I didn't see it coming till it came!!!! Hint,if no baby,then hell it is.Must see it you like something funny that you don't feel stupid after watching.Good cast but better story.I only took the 1 star off for the over played jokes and really very adult themes.Not a family film by any means.Trailer URL after the pix.Released in 1991 it runs 103 minutes.

A sexist, chauvinist pig gets his just desserts when his angry ex-girlfriends murder him and he is reincarnated as a woman.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Paul ( 2011) - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

There seems to be a few films with the same name but all different shorelines.This film was released in 2011 and runs 104 minutes.There are a few parts I dislike,that's why I took 1 and 1/2 stars of, but overall its worth a view.Its sort of a nerds trip to ET's world when ET is a stoner and a mess up like them.In this case the nerds are two Brits visiting Comic-Con in San Diego, to then  go on the "US Alien road trip".It's a fair take on the old story line and a good cast is what drew me to it.Anyway,trailer follows pix and a IMDB summary below.Comedy again is a very personnel taste.For me this film is only good once.

Two sci-fi geeks take a pilgrimage to America's UFO heartland. While there, they accidentally meet an alien who brings them on an insane road trip that alters their universe forever. For the past 60 years, an alien named Paul (voiced by Seth Rogen) has been hanging out at a top-secret military base. When he discovers he's been taken prisoner, the space-traveling smart ass decides to escape the compound and hop on the first vehicle out of town - a rented RV containing Earthlings Graeme Willy (Simon Pegg) and Clive Gollings (Nick Frost). Chased by federal agents and the fanatical father of a young woman that they accidentally kidnap, Graeme and Clive hatch a fumbling escape plan to return Paul to his mother ship. And as two nerds struggle to help, one little green man might just take his fellow outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes. Written by Universal Pictures

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Source Code - 4 stars out of 5 stars

A friend told me to check this film out so I pushed it to the top of my list.Well played !!!!
This film can be best  described as "7 days"meets"groundhog day"on the way to "Star Trek".7 days was a little known sic - fi series about sending a person back in time one week to change something bad.And of course Groundhog day was a classic comedy about relieving a day over and over.The Star Trek I refer to is the newest movie from J.J. Abrams,where Vulcan is destroyed while Kirk and Spock are hardly out of the academy.All three  are various takes on  quantum mechanics, a major revolution in physics .Go to college or take classes or just read up on this subject.It would help to understand the TV and movies as well as THIS movie.In this movies take on the subject we use terrorism,the military and a soldier in Afghanistan.I won't explain the plot,I posted a IMDB summary below.However I took 1 star off because there are inconsistencies in how the theory is applied ,such as IF a new time line is set there should be no contact with the others.AH but say some studentsof this theory,thats where "deja vu" comes in.Maybe so,but not for me.Still it did try to explain as much as one can,a unprovable theory and put it in modern action terms.Deja vu is the feeling you've been somewhere when you clearly haven't before.Or as Yogi said"it's deja vu all over again"I thought Jake Gyllenhaal was fine as the soldier caught in the 8 minute loop that is central to the movies take on the subject matter.Vera Farmiga was well suited to the role of the military"handler"and Jeffrey Wright was suited as a truly egotistical if not misguided project boss.Michelle Monaghan was fine but her role was little more than eye candy.Released in 2011 the film runs only 93 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix.Do check it out.Even with its flaws its well done.

An action thriller centered on a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quiz Show - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

A little better film than I expected.Robert Redford directed and produced but did not appear in this interesting but finally unimportant film about something no one cares about nor should they in todays far more complicated world.As one co-conspirator  said at the end,and I paraphrase,after all we're not criminals. We just give the people what they want.
See this film is about something that DID happen in the 1950's when game shows were ratings grabbers for the networks.On network allowed it show to be rise to the top of the ratings chatty any means nessacary. In this case actually giving the answers to the contestant of choice to garner ratings.So yes,who really cared and there were bigger issues of the day far more important like communist hunting and civil rights abuse.History will keep this scandal were it belongs,on the back burner.What is interesting however is again its NBC which is the"bad"network.These days they edit news to sway a point,then they edited contestants.They show a history of distortion like no other network in history.FOX news bashers should take note of a indisputable fact on this point.Released in 1994 its too long at 133 minutes and a who really cares story.Thus the 1 and 1/2 stars off.It's should be viewed once for historical relevance and little more.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

An idealistic young lawyer working for a Congressional subcommittee in the late 1950s discovers that TV quiz shows are being fixed. His investigation focuses on two contestants on the show "Twenty-One": Herbert Stempel, a brash working-class Jew from Queens, and Charles Van Doren, the patrician scion of one of America's leading literary families. Based on a true story. Written by Tim Horrigan <>

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rob Roy - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1995 and running a TOO long 138 minutes the slightest recommendation for this film.See it for the cast,period drama and Irish landscaper.2 and 1/2 stars off for the length and well I just didn't "feel"it.Maybe its chemistry but I was bored to tears.So its "I've got nothing better to watch"film.Trailer follows the pix and IMDB summary below.
OK Tim Roth was cool………

In the highlands of Scotland in the 1700s, Rob Roy tries to lead his small town to a better future, by borrowing money from the local nobility to buy cattle to herd to market. When the money is stolen, Rob is forced into a Robin Hood lifestyle to defend his family and honour. Written by Rob Hartill

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Drive Angry - 3 stars out of 5 stars

This film is violent,irritant,sexist,racist and totally unbelievable !!!!!
I LIKE THIS S - - T!!! Nick Cage is the best in the world at making trash characters fun and silly and a real forbidden pleasure to enjoy.The plot,who really cares ??William Fichtner,Billy Burke,and Austin's own,Amber Heard,who can wear those  daisy duke cut-offs ,are the able supporting cast.If you have to have a plot,its, guy escapes from hell to save his grand daughter from a cult while persued by a "devils"laws man and is aided by southern trash babe with nothing better to do with her life.Like I said,does it really matter??
Car chases,shootouts,blowing things up,some nudity,Thats what matters,and this film does deliver.Just part your reality at the door.Released in 2011 and running 104 minutes,Cage playing a grand dad can still bring it and Amber can act,a little,while wearing little.
2 stars off for extreme violence and irrelevance.3 stars added for extreme violence and irrelevance and Ambers daisy duke cutoffs.Trailer URL follows the pix

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Steel Sharks - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This film is more interesting today than when it was released in 1997.However it's still fighting WW11,not todays enemy as the script would like you to believe.Still a good sub film is hard to find.Add to it Navy Seals and its watchable one time.The plot is simple. Civilian  scientist is kidnapped and the seals have to rescue him.Good stuff.The problem is that its Iran military not terrorists and the seal team sent to rescue him does but is captured itself and put on a Iranian sub which then plays "tag"with a US sub sent to extract the team after its mission.Some good navy footage as the Navy cooperated in the filming.Carriers,planes and subs,OH MY !!!! Still its good to boo the Iranians and cheer the seals even if it rings like fighting the "last"war instead of the one to come.Gary Busey plays Cmdr. Bill McKay,the USN subs captain with just enough aplomb to make you wonder if he's going to go off.Billy Dee Williams as Adm. Jim Perry head of the fleet, is really under-used and the rest of the cast is ok but not well known then or now,including the actors who played the seals.If you have nothing else to do, watch it.It's well made just not plausible.It's only 94 minutes and a trailer URL follows the pix.50/50 film,thats why I took 2 1/2 off and left 2 1/2 on.Plot believability is the negative.Subs and Seals,the positive

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hackers - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

It's not a classic film,or great cinema but its fun and I laughed.Would i watch it multiple times,no,would I recommend one view,yes,no matter who you are.First,why I take 1 and 1/2 stars off.Silly story.Some poor over the top acting by some,and pretty people aren't computer geeks.That still leaves 3 and 1/2 stars to see it.Released  in 1995 and running 107 minutes,I wanted to see Alberta Watson,a hottie from my youth,playing a MOM of a teen aged hacker, and also a very young Angelina Jolie as a hacker.No way SHE would EVER be nerdy and she wasn't no matter how many times she worn a NJ Devils hockey jersey.Now the less said about the acting,the better,Not terrible but down to the level of the silly script.
Two funny small roles by Marc Anthony and Penn Jillette added to the limited enjoyment.
What I did like was the CGI hacker effects,cool for 1995,like the bastard son of Tron,much better then Wargames. If your young you'll like it more than folks my age,but I still chuckled,it wasn't a nasty lying film,but just silly fun.IMDB summary below and Trailer URL link after the pix

A young boy is arrested by the US Secret Service for writing a computer virus and is banned from using a computer until his 18th birthday. Years later, he and his new-found friends discover a plot to unleash a dangerous computer virus, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius behind the virus. Written by Alexander Lum <>

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hesher - 3 stars out of 5 stars

There is a old plot line for movies based on the old saying about "pick yourself up and start all over."In this case the messenger almost killed the message.Joseph Gordon-Levitt is so menacing as Hesher the films title character that he may scare you off in the first 40 minutes or so.He almost did that to me. That would be sad because the message is delivered in the most startling way that shows its still valid.So I take 2 stars off and warn you at the outset,its a roller coaster ride.Strap in if you take this ride.What drew me to the film was Piper Laurie who is the catalyst for the message and Natalie Portman who is under used but also caused key message movement.
Its a basic story of a family ripped and broken by a death and the survivors are spiraling downward.Into this pool of self pity and loathing enters a real scary dude who just moves in to the garage and then the "family"That would be Hesher. First you think he's going to kill them all,then you think he going to make you WISH he kills them all. I did say roller coaster???The film takes awhile rolling up and down with the 3 family members,a father sinking in self pity,Rainn Wilson,and angry young son,Devin Brochu,and a grandmother Piper Laurie.I saw this movie ONLY because of her.She had my heart as a youngster after seeing"the Hustler"and playing a grandma now,well I am grandfather so……….
First curve is we meet Natalie Portman     as Nicole,a young nothing of a teen or 20 something who saves the young boy from a ass whipping by a bully and becomes a crush of his.Anyway,finally through his own bullying Hesher forces the father and son to move on after grandma died,in a really well done movingly but "raw"final scene.
This is a fine, well done, off beat message film of renewal ,but might turn off more than half of you by it language and tough themes.Its really not a white trash meth survives and thrives film at all.Give it 40 minutes before you bale,and most of you probably will bale.
Released in 2010 it runs 106 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Man of the House ( 2005 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Comedy is a personnel taste thats why I haven't reviewed that many.However I am very old school and Tommy Lee Jones and Cedric the Entertainer,how could I resist.
Not to be confused with another film with the same name.
The plot is also Texas based so again topical for a newbee like myself.Released in 2005 and running 100 minutes it even has a cameo by Rick Perry !!! Funny sidelight.None of the actors in this film but one or two with minor small parts and Tommy Lee are from Texas.But hey,how many in Austin,weird city of the world,are really from Texas??The plot summary is below.Its a standard comedy/drama about witness protection from a unknown killer who happens to be a rouge Federal agent.Not new,but casting is key.Tommy  pulls it off as a bad ass and the 5 young actress are good enough to play dumb without looking stupid.Christina Milian,Paula Garcés,Monica Keena,Vanessa Ferlito and Kelli Garner.Of course any film you add Cedric the Entertainer gains stature as well.In this case as a ex con turned preacher.My only issue is no real  background development as we would like to know more about Tommies and Cedric characters and how they met.So 1 star off for a less than great script,but 4 stars for funny execution.Trailer URL after the pix and a IMDB summary below

Texas Ranger Roland Sharp is assigned to protect the only witnesses to the murder of a key figure in the prosecution of a drug kingpin -- a group of University of Texas cheerleaders. Sharp must now go undercover as an assistant cheerleading coach and move in with the young women. Written by Anonymous

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Black and White - 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

What has Allan Houston,yes the ex Knick BB player,Claudia Schiffer,yes THAT supermodel,Mike Tyson,yes,pre tattoo,Brooke Shields,all growed up,Ben Stiller,unfunny,Robert Downey Jr.,unintentional funny,Scott Caan,really like his dad,and unknown rappers and everyone was just out for a paycheck??? This TERRIBLE MOVIE.The only reason to get 1/2 star was to see the cast and 4 1/2 stars for the crap they made for a paycheck.Released in 1999 mercifully its only 98 minutes long.This it only the third movie I reviewed that stunk and like the other two it was the cast that made me see it.So if you see it you just threw 1 1/2 hours of your life away.Nothing rings true as I former NY guy this is not real !@!!!!
If you want a summary of this crap see the trailer after the pix and  the IMDB summary below

Set in New York City, Black and White features several losely related stories centering on a pair of documentary filmmakers, Sam and her husband Terry, in following a group of caucasian teens, Raven, Charlie, Will, Marty, Wren and others who try to fit in with Harlem's black hip-hop crowd who include gangster rapper Rich Bower and his music partner Cigar in landing a recording gig, as well as college basketball player Dean who is conflicted on taking a fall on a game for shady gambler Mark Clear who has hidden agenda for Dean and Rich. Written by <>

Monday, May 7, 2012

3 A.M. - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Spike didn't write or direct but he did produce through his film company the truly urban NYC film about a reign of terror against cab drivers and the stories of some of them.Not really my kind of film but it does capture working nights and getting by with honest yet under appreciated work in the hell hole that can sometimes be the city that never sleeps. 
If your a true new yorker you'll find it interesting enough.If your not,you might as well pass it by.Released in 2001 its a short 88 minutes and I took 2 stars off for the simple limited appeal storyline.The acting as always in a spike related film is standout.This cast is headed by     Danny Glover and Pam Grier and a interesting turn by Michelle Rodriguez with cameos by Clyde Fraser and Spike.the simple serial cab driver murder plot is just a excuse to examine working people at night in NYC and the grit that it can take to make a hard honest living.It's ok but if your not a new yorker you probably won't enjoy it.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Event Horizon - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

There is a deep,mystical and highly metaphysical theory about "black holes" amongst many others.That is that they are the gates to hell itself.Disney studios once produced a silly poorly made,for them,children film called"Black Hole"Sadly this film attempts to tackle the same question in a far better made,and definitely adult, but still incoherent slow version of the same theory.There is but one reason to see this 1997 film that runs 96 minutes and that, is to attempt to see this theory brought to the screen. Disneys film is livelier but silly to no end,this film is slow,plodding and boring, till halfway through,Perhaps its the subject,as its deep and hard to grasp.Anyway,its cast tries hard and the filming is state of the art so the effects are believable.Its just that they kinda strike out anyway.See if you want a DEEP thought picture.Pass if you want to be entertained.
Trailer follows the pix and a IMDB summary below

A rescue crew investigates a spaceship that disappeared into a black hole and has now returned...with someone or something new on-board.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Jaws - 3 stars out of 5 stars

The most uneven film I've seen,in a good way.Long and tedious yet suspenseful and scary.Finally a climax of man against underseas beast that has yet to be equaled.For those reasons it doesn't stand up to repeated viewing and its long,124 minutes and dated released in 1975.Still worth a view for that climax.The film also brought respectability to a scare genre that seemed real.The beech party gone terribly wrong.Directed by Steven Spielberg of a screen play by Peter Benchley  it scared a generation from going into the water.
The 3 men who finally track this killer shark down are Roy Scheider,Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss.For historical film reference its a "bucket list"must see picture,warts and all.Trailer URL follows pix and a short IMDB summary for the 1 or 2 who haven't heard of this flawed classic.

When a gigantic great white shark begins to menace the small island community of Amity, a police chief, a marine scientist and grizzled fisherman set out to stop it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Hindenburg - 3 stars out of 5 stars

A interesting take on the first live real time media covered disaster.In 1937 the Zeppelin,Hindenburg burst into flame over Lakehurst NJ while docking killing around 40 people and causing a spectacular fiery  distraction caught on film and broadcast live on the radio.This film starts with a b&w newsreel that explains the Hindenburg and then goes into the movie and storyline of a plot that blew it up rather than a act of God,ending with b&w filming mixed with the real footage of the disaster. In between its all color,like the Wizard of Oz..The story is rather long,125 minutes, and contrived about reluctant Zazi's and a German resistance???Not really believable at all.Thats why  2 stars  off along with the length and b&w footage at the end.Released in 1975 it should have been able to avoid that.The good stuff is the cast.George C. Scott,Anne Bancroft,Burgess Meredith,Rene Auberjonois,just to name a few.I recommend it only for disaster and period piece  film fans.Trailer URL below the pix.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

25th Hour - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Damn you Spike.Never cared to care about folks who have it all and piss it away,NEVER.
Somehow,Spike has done it again.YOU made me care and feel sorry.Damn you,now I have to watch these kind of pictures.
A list cast and story that only a New Yorker will understand.Again,one of the best film makers of our time took a story about a Irish white boy drug pusher who got caught,and made us see NY through the eyes of a someone who lost it all.What ,thats all???
NO,NO SPIKE IS A FILM MAKER.The opening scene is shot against the 2 blue light beams from the pit of the WTC.Later 2 of the characters have a scene in ones apartment overlooking "The Pit"The man has made us see that as we understand the loss of the tragedy perhaps our humanity will lets us see this 2 bit punks throw away life.
Lofty as the ideal is,acting is what pulls it off.Edward Norton plays Monty Brogan,the punk who blew it.Into the plot now.Brogan has to report for a 7 year prison term as he was busted for potion of drugs.The movie is basically the last day he will spend with family and friends as he prepares to report to prison the next day. The opening scene is a flashback as well as 2 or 3 other short flashes and a fabulous fantasy "Texas"scene at the conclusion.
In between we meet Monty's girl Rosario Dawson as a 17 year old when he first met her in a park after making a sale,Naturelle Riviera,a Puerto Rican. One of his 2 best friends he will spend that last night with,Philip Seymour Hoffman as a shy withdrawn and sexually frustrated HS teacher,Jacob Elinsky ,and Barry Pepper as Frank Slaughtery his other boyhood friend and now successful wallstreater.Add to that fine supporting roles by Anna Paquin as a HS student and Brian Cox as Monty's dad.Finally a small but impactful role for Tony Siragusa as Kostya Novotny,Yes,that ex NFL player TS !!!!
The mixing of the tragedy of 9/11 and the tragedy of a wasted life are brought home by a great film maker and great actors.
Scorsese and Spielberg,WHERE'S SPIKES OSCAR!!!!!!
Oh did I mention a good score,both some original and some popular.Can you say Springsteen?? Trailer URL follows the pix.The film released in 2002 and runs a perfect 135 minutes.I HATE YOU SPIKE FOR MAKING ME LIKE THIS FILM.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Platoon - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1986 and running 120 minutes,this is the film that showed what Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe could be as actors as well as a slew of others who went on to bigger roles like,Forest Whitaker,Johnny Depp,Kevin Dillon,John C. McGinley,and it goes on.Truly a wonderful cast,but the story,not so much.Judge for your self on what you know before you see the film because Oliver Stone,the writer and director ALWAYS has a point of view to film.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Chris Taylor is a young, naive American who gives up college and volunteers for combat in Vietnam. Upon arrival, he quickly discovers that his presence is quite nonessential, and is considered insignificant to the other soldiers, as he has not fought for as long as the rest of them and felt the effects of combat. Chris has two non-commissioned officers, the ill-tempered and indestructible Staff Sergeant Robert Barnes and the more pleasant and cooperative Sergeant Elias Grodin. A line is drawn between the two NCOs and a number of men in the platoon when an illegal killing occurs during a village raid. As the war continues, Chris himself draws towards psychological meltdown. And as he struggles for survival, he soon realizes he is fighting two battles, the conflict with the enemy and the conflict between the men within his platoon. Written by Jeremy Thomson

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mooz-lum - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Growing up thru the turbulent 60's I witnessed the"black muslim"movement and was intrigued with it.Then came 9/11 and my fears were of a new race war threat that was bearably avoided back in those years.So it was with not a little trepidation i viewed this film.Drawn to it by Danny Glover I left amazed by Evan Ross and Kimberley Drummond.
Released in 2011 and running 99 minutes,some might feel who cares?? That would be their lose.For this is actually 2 films in one.First it is a coming of age film about a young man who has to come to grips with his past and future.To understand that his past,though rough and hard to understand, is none the less part of who he is and will always be. Second it is a film about not being "white middle class" in the US and still living and trying to enjoy what the country has to offer.It's hard to embrace till you slowly are drawn into the characters of brother and sister of a broken home,one embracing the past and the other running from it.The acting is so intensely gripping you are hooked after 5 minutes.
I only took 1 star off because this won't have"mass"appeal,but I liked it.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Amid a strict Muslim rearing and a social life he's never had, Tariq (Evan Ross) enters college confused. New peers, family and mentors help him find his place, but the 9-11 attacks force him to face his past and make the biggest decisions of his life. Written by Anonymous