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Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Apartment 1960 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Not role models and damaged but uplifting in a weird way and works on some levels in todays sick world.Released in 1960 and running 125 minutes,this was the best picture of 1960 so say the oscars.Being in B&W and having questionable morality in its damaged heros,I might not go so far,thus the 1 and 1/2 stars off.Still its stars Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine in maybe their best roles and Fred"my three sons" MacMurray,all around good guy actor,in a role as a total heel.Inspired as he pulls it off !!! That is this film.Great acting transcending a questionable story that makes you interested.I was,you will be.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

As of November 1, 1959, mild mannered C.C. Baxter has been working at Consolidated Life, an insurance company, for close to four years, and is one of close to thirty-two thousand employees located in their Manhattan head office. To distinguish himself from all the other lowly cogs in the company in the hopes of moving up the corporate ladder, he often works late, but only because he can't get into his apartment, located off of Central Park West, since he has provided it to a handful of company executives - Mssrs. Dobisch, Kirkeby, Vanderhoff and Eichelberger - on a rotating basis for their extramarital liaisons in return for a good word to the personnel director, Jeff D. Sheldrake. When Baxter is called into Sheldrake's office for the first time, he learns that it isn't just to be promoted as he expects, but also to add married Sheldrake to the list to who he will lend his apartment. What Baxter is unaware of is that Sheldrake's mistress is Fran Kubelik, an elevator girl in the ... Written by Huggo

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Searching for Sugar Man 2012 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

The new world of information era tells us to be very wary and carful what we perceive as truth.My parents said it quite simply,if its too good to be true,it probably isn't.Released in 2012 and running 86 minutes,this s a truly inspiring story of fame that comes many years after the fact.But is it??I took 1 and 1/2 stars off not because I didn't believe what I saw,but for what I didn't see.Many questions were posed and never really answered.When Mr Rodriguez was on Imus last year promoting this documentary even Imus remarked that this man still seems to have a complicated life,and that from a man who should know,get the drug and booze and women reference??I only mention this because we meet Rodriguez's 3 daughters in this film BUT not their mother or mothers.So what I guess I'm really saying is that it seems TOO good a story and I wanted some dirt to make the WHOLE truth be more believable.Still recommended with a trailer URL following the picture and a IMDB summary below.

 In the early 1970s, Sixto Rodriguez was a Detroit folksinger who had a short-lived recording career with only two well received but non-selling albums. Unknown to Rodriguez, his musical story continued in South Africa where he became a pop music icon and inspiration for generations. Long rumored there to be dead by suicide, a few fans in the 1990s decided to seek out the truth of their hero's fate. What follows is a bizarrely heartening story in which they found far more in their quest than they ever hoped, while a Detroit construction laborer discovered that his lost artistic dreams came true after all. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Friday, June 28, 2013

TV Series - The Swamp Fox - Disney 1959/60 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Francis Marion was a "hero"of the revolutionary war.The truth about him may be very unpleasant as are some "truths" about the Declaration of Independence,George Washington,Tomas Jefferson and Benedict Arnold.Thats what makes history so exciting,separating truths from hyperbole.I will later review a film from 2000 staring Mel Gibson,loosely based on Marion,but for now,its the old gem by Disney.Only 8 episodes were made and ran as part of his old"Wonderful world of Disney"that I did see as a child so i had to revisit now as my old age wants to remember it and YES it was as I remembered.Lots of fun.Leslie Nielsen plays the Swamp Fox as many have forgotten he started out as a serious actor.Disney was no cheapskate,his TV miniseries were shot with the feel of a movie.The horse chases were great and many fine character actors appeared in the episodes.So forget the historical debates and PC rewrites of history and just enjoy one of the very few shows about those days.Most shows of that time tended to center on Boston or Phil.,not South Carolina and Charleston.It was true there were more "Tories"in the south then the north and one might argue that Marion is portrayed as loved by his slaves when in documented records most black slaves fought with the British under promise of freedom,but hey,Jefferson had a slave mistress  and Washington a huge plantation with many slaves.Enjoy the series for the historical insight into guerrilla warfare and use it as a touchstone to learn more about those times and people.That was the time of"the founding fathers"and should be studied to understand "us"today.The series is more as a spark to learn more than to be taken at face value.Thats why I took 1 star off.Many "issues"but I still recommend.The trailer following the picture is the catchy song from the series.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Thin Red Line 1964 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

After reviewing the 1998 version I said I have to view this original version and I have with the conclusion they are as "300's" versions were which I also reviewed on this blog.That is different in the ways of treatment but the same in purpose.That said,I took 1 and 1/2 stars off for being in B&W and at times very dated in its battle re enactments.Also  Keir Dullea as Pvt. Doll  and  Jack Warden as First Sgt. Welsh approach their roles far differently than in the second film with a very different final film outcome.All that said I did enjoy it as much and do recommend for viewing.Full film can be seen online at URL following the picture and a IMDB summary below.This version was released in 1964 and runs 99 minutes.

Dark tale of one man's determination to survive his tour of duty. Separated from his new wife after only eight days of marriage, private Doll suddenly decides that he will no longer blindly follow the orders of his superiors, following his own mind instead. What follows are a series of poorly planned attacks, in which Doll saves the day, time after time; eventually leading to the taking of the Elephant in the battle of Guadalcanal during World War II. Sgt. Welsh, Doll's immediate line officer grows an affinity for Doll, helping him through his first Kill, but never quite allowing himself to admit his admiration for the young soldier. The final scene of the movie brings home the true horror of war and the meaninglessness of it all. Written by Tophee

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ip Man 2008 - 5 stars out of 5 stars

After reviewing Ip man 2 on this blog,I said it warranted looking up the original as they are usually better,understatement !!!! Forget the fact its based on real occurrences or Bruce lee trained under this man,no,it stands firm on its own merits.Honor,respect,war and relationships as well as a few laughs early on before the darkness of wartime Japanese occupation sets in.The actors are well schooled in the arts and the story is fine morality tale,what more could you ask for??Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.If you like this genre,than its a "bucket list"movie for you.

A semi-biographical account of Yip Man, the first martial arts master to teach the Chinese martial art of Wing Chun.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Joe and Max 2002 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

The real story of these 2 boxing legends would take a TV series a few years to give it justice.This Starrz movie released in 2002 tries it in 106 minutes with a so so cast and a poor choice for the actor,Leonard Roberts as Joe Louis,who doesn't have the screen presence to portray such a legendary figure.Thus sadly,1 and 1/2 stars off.However the story of these two men is so compelling that we should be happy for at least this effort by Starrz and enjoy it as such.Til Schweiger as Max Schmeling is a bit more believable since less is known by most about him.He was vilified as a "Nazi"and so this film tries to redefine that image of him and rightly so.Not shown in this film is the fact he helped paid for Joes funeral and although he is shown helping a Jewish neighbor in the film,the story is more compelling then shown.In total the film is a good start but the fact the IRS hounded Joe till his death is indeed a story for our times.Nether Joe or Max with without sin,but they were both heros and deserve to be remembered.Trailer URL follows the picture.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Campaign (2012) - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Never have I been a big fan of Will Ferrell or Zach Galifianakis but they don't derail this rather surprising 2012 release that runs short at only 85 minutes.After seeing the film which is reviewed on this blog,Welcome to Mooseport (2004),I decided to see this film and they have little in common.Still as in the other films case it has its moments.As stupid as it sounds to p[unch both a baby and a cute dog,Ferrell pulls it of.Be warned,again very adult humor,no kids what so ever !!! Thus 2 stars off .Good political satire is rare indeed so we take what moments we can,when we can.This film also offers many familiar faces besides the two principals and they all play together well,ha,ha.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

When Cam Brady (D-NC), a four-term Congressman, becomes a liability, the Motch brothers (think Koch brothers) recruit Marty Huggins, the son of a Republican heavy hitter, to run against him and be their vehicle to establish factories in the district that will import cheap Chinese labor. Trouble is, Marty is a lightweight, so his makeover falls to consultant Tim Wattley. The race tightens as Cam constantly shoots himself in the foot, while the prospect of winning also changes Marty and his family's dynamics. Meanwhile, Cam plays dirty, and Marty cottons on to the Moches' grand plan. What options do the rich have to get their way? Written by <>

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Thin Red Line (1998) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Release in 1998 and running 170 minutes,this is the second film adaptation of James Jones novel about charlie companies fighting during WW11 on Guadalcanal.While I have yet to see the hard to find first film version made in 1964,or read the book,this film has merit.However it is filled with every single cliche ever put on film about war,and adds nothing new to those discussions.Thus 1 star off.What it is however, is a well acted and compelling display of those cliches and anyone who walks away from viewing it believing that was is glory and noble,well,I have a bridge to sell to such as YOU!!!
The problem with cliches is that,well,they are that and one sided depiction's to boot.
Still the acting is A++ headed by Sean Penn and Jim Caviezel and a score of others in small vignettes to round out the action.I recommend as its as true a display of"fog of war"as I have yet seen,but it is NOT ennobling one bit !!!! Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

In World War II, the outcome of the battle of Guadalcanal will strongly influence the Japanese advance into the Pacific theater. A group of young soldiers is brought in as a relief for the battle-weary Marines. The exhausting fight for a strategically-positioned airfield that allows control over a 1000-mile radius puts the men of the Army rifle company C-for-Charlie through hell. The horrors of war form the soldiers into a tight-knit group; their emotions develop into bonds of love and even family. The reasons for this war get further away as the world for the men gets smaller and smaller until their fighting is for mere survival and the life of the other men with them. Written by Julian Reischl <>

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Tale of Two Cities (1935) - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This is one of the greatest stories of sacrifice for love ever told,anytime or  anywhere.There are other versions of the great Dicken's novel on film and perhaps some day I will see them or maybe not.This 1935 version that runs 128 minutes is a bucket list film for true romantics and film buffs.The reason I took 1/2 star off is B&W and no other reason at all. Ronald Colman as Sydney Carton is the focal point and well deserved, Blanche Yurka as Madame De Farge,brings a almost Shakespeare turn,much like his Lady McBeth character, to this role but more sympathetic I believe.Compelling is a understatement.  Even Basil Rathbone as the evil Marquis St. Evremonde,a suitable flashpoint for this drama works better than can be imagined.Yes the cast  is A++.If you never read the story in school,you were deprived of love set against a revolutionary backdrop endured by a lovable loser who we can never hope to match in word nor deed. I can say no more.Make up for that lost time now while you still can.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

An elaborate adaptation of Dickens' classic tale of the French Revolution. Dissipated lawyer Sydney Carton defends emigre Charles Darnay from charges of spying against England. He becomes enamored of Darnay's fiancée, Lucie Manette, and agrees to help her save Darnay from the guillotine when he is captured by Revolutionaries in Paris. Written by Marg Baskin <>

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Fighter (1952) - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Do not confuse with the 2010 film of the same name.This is NOT a boxing film.It is instead a story of a revolutionary who sets about to help correct the injustice done to his family and village by means of boxing to raise money to buy guns.
Based on a book called"The Mexican"written by adventure Jack London that he claims was told to him by riders with Pancho Villa,it follows the alleged true story of a supposed real fighter that Jack called Felipe Rivera ,wonderfully played by Victor Jory who comes to El Paso to work for those running a newspaper writing about the injustice of the Diaz government in Mexico being challenged by Modero. Released in 1952 and running only 78 minutes,I am only sad it is in B&W, however although Jory is a Italian, a few of the actors have hispanic names and seem to be so,rare for hollywood back then and another reason to praise the film. To come to this film for boxing only is a discredit to the story and a misunderstanding of the films true story.I loved it.A link for the entire film follows the picture.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ip Man 2 Legend of the Grandmaster (2010) - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Ip man is supposed to be based on the master who taught Bruce Lee martial arts.I have only seen this one film in the series,but it was good enough to make me want to see some of the others.Released in 2010 it runs 108 minutes.The film has nothing to do with Bruce's education and ends with a rather unbelievable fight with a english boxer after a very real homage to Rocky's fighting Ivan Drago in Rocky 4.That is why I had to take 2 stars off.However it is better than half the bad martial arts film made in recent years.I would recommend as its entertaining even as the final fight is silly,its still fun.There is also the recapture of honor lost ,one of main traditional  Chinese value.It's no epic in the manner of Red Cliff,reviewed on this blog,but it has a good amount of weaponless fighting which many martial arts fan prefer over the weapons sort.I recommend for that and Donnie Yen is good enough.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

Ip Man 2 is a 2010 Hong Kong biographical martial arts film loosely based on the life of Ip Man, a grandmaster of the martial art Wing Chun. A sequel to the 2008 film Ip Man, the film was directed by Wilson Yip, and stars Donnie Yen, who reprises the leading role. Continuing after the events of the earlier film, the sequel centers on Ip's movements in Hong Kong, which is under British colonial rule. He attempts to propagate his discipline of Wing Chun, but faces rivalry from other practitioners, including the local master of Hung Ga martial arts. Written by jck movies

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fantasia 1940 Disney cartoon - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Arguably Disney's best film. Released in 1940,yes 73 years ago,and running 125 minutes,its a gallant attempt at education through entertainment.For that it deserves to still be shown in schools across this vast country.Music and movement can create art that educates and informs as well as entertains.Too many have lost that skill or don't think that education and message is as important as entertaining.Sadly that is why I took 1 star off.Its very dated in its aims, and for children to seek it  without any classroom study credit may be asking to much these days.Still it represents what art can be in the hands of true artists.Rest in peace Mr Disney.The world misses you.Computers?He didn't have no stink's CGI computer effects !!!! Film clip url follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

 Disney animators set pictures to Western classical music as Leopold Stokowski conducts the Philadelphia Orchestra. "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" features Mickey Mouse as an aspiring magician who oversteps his limits. "The Rite of Spring" tells the story of evolution, from single-celled animals to the death of the dinosaurs. "Dance of the Hours" is a comic ballet performed by ostriches, hippos, elephants, and alligators. "Night on Bald Mountain" and "Ave Maria" set the forces of darkness and light against each other as a devilish revel is interrupted by the coming of a new day. Written by David Thiel <>

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Welcome to Mooseport (2004) - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Comedy as I have said many times before is very,very subjective.This film is most humorous for me because it weaves a silly love triangle on a even more silly story of a divorced ex  president who retires in a small town in Maine.However it starts slow and the early humor doesn't work well for me.Only after a election race pitting the ex president against a local hardware handyman does it take off.Thus I had to take the 2 stars off.It is for adults only IMHO.Well maybe HS age kids.The story is kinda unique and the acting is A+ with Gene Hackman,Ray Romano leading the way.Released in 2004 and running 110 minutes, you can do far,far worse,and its different,ha,ha.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Monroe "Eagle" Cole is a former U.S. President ready to settle into a quaint little town named Mooseport. He's ready to take in the lion's share of endorsement deals and speaking engagements while developing his own presidential library. Meanwhile, Handy Harrison is a local hardware store owner with a girlfriend ready to throw in the towel on their relationship. Just as Monroe is offered the local mayor's position, he's found an unlikely opponent in Handy. But ultimately, both men have a lot to lose when the stakes are raised and a simple competition turns into an all out war. Written by mystic80

Monday, June 17, 2013

Gremlins - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Halloween is not the only scary time of year.I mean,what to get who and when and if and,and,and……..
Get the picture??
Well there can be more scary things than present giving and whose homes to visit,that is,if your not a Gremlin.Released in 1984 and running 106 minutes I had to take 1 star off because at times it can be very intense.However for say 12+ I think its a gas !!Some mystical eastern opening and a family trying to get by in your typical Christmas setting,but then …Well you'll just have to see for yourself.Trailer URL is after the picture and a IMDB summary below.Scary early Christmas you all.

A boy inadvertantly breaks 3 important rules concerning his new pet and unleashes a horde of malevolently mischievous monsters on a small town.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Island 1980 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Let me first state there are a few films with this name but they are not this story.No,what we really need here is a remake,strange but true.I hated the"pirates"in this film.they just weren't believable.I did believe the premise that there could be a band of lost and misdirected soles still living that life and even encouraged by a bad old doctor who cynically studies them.That is the basic premise.I also could buy that these pirates could capture and kill a coast guard vessel as well as many unfortunate boaters.That is the horror and sort of sci-fi,after all they are as stuck in time,action adventure film this is.However the bad ,at least for me,portrayal of these pirates hurts the film along with being very dated.Thus  2 stars off.However it might be one of Michael Caine's best roles.So this 1980 release that runs 109 minutes is one possible explanation of the Bermuda triangle,maybe,but a different sort of scary film that does beg"REMAKE ME".Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

 David Warner leads a band of modern day pirates who raid yachts and sail boats of people on vacation out in the Caribbean. Michael Caine is a reporter who goes out there with his son to investigate the mystery of the disappearing boats. He runs across Warner and his band of raiders and they decide to induct them into their tribe. Written by Humberto Amador

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Something Like a Business - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Warning,adult for sure.Offensive,yes,but what comedy isn't on some level??
Release in 2010 and running only 82 minutes,I take 2 stars off for the stereotyping offensive portrayals but since its a film by black actors,its a little like using the "N"word so keep that in mind if you see this film.The reason I liked it a bit was its a vehicle for a very funny comic by the name of Kevin Hart whom I've liked since a Showtime series from a few years back called "The Underground"in which he held his own in a ensemble cast.The story is silly and as stated.offensive but it does have a few inspired scenes and takeoffs like on the 2005 film that had academy award nominations" Hustle & Flow".Now if THAT film could be"respectable"than be careful before thee cast stones at this one.
Still only for open minded adults and Kevin Hart fans.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

An aspiring pimp struggles to make a mint after inheriting his late uncles escort service and discovering that competition on the streets is fierce.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Scent Of A Woman 1992 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

This may be partially inspired by a 1974 Italian film"Profumo di Donna" that I have yet to see,HOWEVER,this 1992 film's story is outrageous and in many ways to farfetched to believe,but enter Mr Pacino  and yes,you believe.Such is the power of great acting.Rather long at 157 minutes,I had to take 1 star off for the length and out there story.That all said,Pacino in a way I'm not sure they intended when they made this film,honors the many wounded warriors we have in our lives today.The story is straightforward and there is no confusion.Only the believability.For example a blind Pacino dancing a tango with Gabrielle Anwar  and driving a Ferrari fast enough to get a speeding ticket in NYC !!!! You HAVE to see it to believe it but you will.The film however is no comedy.No,honor and coping are at the forefront.Do see it and I shall see that earlier film soon.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

A prep school student needing money agrees to "babysit" a blind man, but the job is not at all what he anticipated.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wall Street - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Having worked "on the street"for 35 years,I never could understand where "Insider trading"could be removed from the paradox of"Knowledge is power"and there in is the oversimplification of this story along with inconsistencies and poor major character development for the reasons I had to take 1 and 1/2 stars off this 1987 film that runs 126 minutes.Still it does make a fun film and one wonders if this was the start of his decent into"winning"that would haunt Charlie Sheen later in life.No more explanation than the Limo back seat scene with the blond and coke is needed to "cum"to that conclusion.
However the scene that will remain in film history is Michael Douglas's "Greed is good"speech. So I recommend this for anyone interested in Wall Street who hasn't actually worked there as a primer and nothing more.Not for kids at all as the"millennium generation"is narcissistic and monetarily motivated enough as it is.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.This film spawned a much later sequel.

A young and impatient stockbroker is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside information taken through a ruthless and greedy corporate raider who takes the youth under his wing.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Rainmaker (1997) - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

The issue with this film is one of intent.Is it a rail against lawyers,or a satire or something else?? There are 3 very distinct story lines .A young hungry but idealistic lawyer,Matt Damon.Comic relief by pointing a finger at all the questionable tactics of"ambulance"chasing by Danny DeVito and Mickey Rourke,and finally those who truly need the laws protection,Mary Kay Place and Claire Danes.Plus great supporting roles by other "A" listers round out the cast in this 1997 film that runs 135 minutes.So since even at the end ones still not sure what kind of film ones watching,I had to take 1 and 1/2 stars off.1/2 star for each storyline.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

Rudy Baylor is a jobless young attorney. However, he is also the only hope of an elderly couple whose insurance company will not pay for an operation that could save their son's life. In this judicial drama, Rudy learns to hate corporate America as he falls in love with a battered young married woman. Will he be up to the task? Written by Steve Richer <>

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Siege - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Not often does a film age in relevance as this 1998 release than runs 112 minutes.Made before the 9/11 attacks its major faults are the degree of damage and over reaction caused by them.Thus 1 star off.However its slow deteriorating of our civil liberties sadly are coming through although not as stark or violently,but inevitably like the river that flows to the sea.The ending of the film shows a restoration of these values,sadly,that is not happening.The story is also sort of"Homeland"gone wild but still engrossing,manly dues to a real A+ cast headed by Denzel Washington,Annette Bening,Bruce Willis and Tony Shalhoub breath real life into this twisted terrorist in NYC film.Highly recommended.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.By the way,my old apartment building is in one scene !!!!

The secret US abduction of a suspected terrorist leads to a wave of terrorist attacks in New York that lead to the declaration of martial law.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Phil Spector - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Up front I'll state I'm a fan of the music legend Phil Spector BUT I was a fan of football player and actor OJ Simpson.A killer is a killer and both are now in jail.However this film is slanted ,and rather interesting,that Phil was innocent.However,as a former juror who had to judge a case on all evidence as it was presented,I'll trust the jurors who convected Phil in his second trial.That all said,it is interesting in that IF this film is truly accurate,it would indeed explain the first case deadlocked jury.All that said, Helen Mirren as Linda Kenney Baden,the defense attorney, has a advantage over  Al Pacino as Phil Spector in that you weren't going to "know"her character as you know Al's.Both were still outstanding and I never got board watching them weave their point of view of a accident death rather than the second degree murder conviction he finally received.Released in 2012 as a HBO movie it runs 92 minutes.I took 1 star off because he was convicted say the people regardless of the merits of the films trying to show a doubt.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.Recommended !!!

A drama centered on the relationship between Phil Spector and defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden while the music business legend was on trial for the murder of Lana Clarkson.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Jackal 1997 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Based on a older movie and updated so I'll have to that other one to comment on the relation,"Day of the Jackal 1975",this film rocks even if its a little hard to believe,thus the one star off. After the cold war ended,the Russian mob was born and the Russian "Police"based on mostly old KGB guys gets help from the FBI to fight these new mobsters. Thats the premise of this 1997 release that runs 124 minutes.From there evolves the plot of a hidden killer sent to the US to exact vengeance for the mob.What holds the film together is inspired casting and some good action.The cast is A+ headed by Sidney Poitier as a FBI agent,Richard Gere as a IRA fighter imprisoned in the US,Bruce Willis as the BAD guy,The Jackal and a fine turn by  Diane Venora     as Major Valentina Koslova ,Mathilda May as a recovered Basque separatist and finally,get this now,Jack Black as a wise ass machinist.Inspired !!!
Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.Worth your time.

Russian mobster Terek Murad has declared open season on the Russian militia and the United States FBI over the shooting of his brother in a Moscow nightclub. He hires "The Jackal" -- an elusive, nasty assassin -- to kill FBI Director Donald Brown. Present at the shooting of Murad's brother were FBI Deputy Director Carter Preston and Major Valentina Koslova of the Russian militia. Nearly no one has ever seen The Jackal, save for Declan Mulqueen, an imprisoned IRA sniper. Upon learning that the Director Brown is a target, Preston and Koslova enlist the services of the reluctant Mulqueen to track down the Jackal before he can assassinate Brown. Written by Jeff Cross <>

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cheaper by the Dozen - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Some might think its kids from hell,others just plain incompetent parenting,I just laugh and laugh.Thats why I took 1 star off,I'm so ashamed,ha,ha,NOT.
Steve Martin again has just the right mix to pull off the role of ambitious family dad and Ashton Kutcher,in a rather large cameo,simply just plays himself,HA.But the kids are the stars and only three were known to me as actors,but its a real team effort.The two that really stand out are Forrest Landis and Morgan York even over the more well known Hilary Duff and Tom Welling and even Piper Perabo.Bonnie Hunt is fine is a surprising small role as super mom for the film is more about dad.I think its family friendly though the kids,well,I couldn't handle them for real.Released in 2003 it runs only 98 minutes and spawned a sequel.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.I'd recommend for 13+ so's not to give little ones the wrong idea of acceptable behavior.

The Bakers, a family of 12, move from small-town Illinois to the big city after Tom Baker gets his dream job to coach his alma mater's football team. Meanwhile, his wife also gets her dream of getting her book published. While she's away promoting the book, Tom has a hard time keeping the house in order while at the same time coaching his football team, as the once happy family starts falling apart. Written by Anonymous

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard 2013 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Bruce Willis  playing John McClane is always fun and so was this 2013 release running 98   minutes.Its not the best of the series but it is the most recent and therefore it plays to the "old age can't identify with" issues many  fathers have with their grown sons.Since its nothing special I took 1 and 1/2 stars off,however it was a fun ride.Never have I seen a urban center trashed in a car chase like Moscow is in this film.For sure the high point.Jai Courtney is ok as Johns son and the rest of the cast is OK as well.However its the action thats important in these sort of films and old man McClane still brings it."Yippy- I- o- ki- a- mother f- - - -r !!!!!"Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.Enjoy.

 John McClane travels to Russia to help out his seemingly wayward son, Jack, only to discover that Jack is a CIA operative working to prevent a nuclear-weapons heist, causing the father and son to team up against underworld forces.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Zoot Suit - 3 stars out of 5 stars

First I am a Mexican via injection although "Chicano"was never in her vocabulary.So much for disclosure.Before WW11 there were a series of clash in the LA area sometimes referred to as the Zoot suit riots. This 1981 rather strange "Musical"that runs 103 minutes,tries to find a unique way to dramatize some real happenings in a way of both prideful remembrance and as a introduction to these histories for the greater un informed masses.( you).Now I'm not sure they succeeded in all these noble endeavors,but what they did succeed in doing was collect quite a fine cast and build a remarkable film character that was also a guide for the viewer in this play within a film setting portrayed by  Edward James Olmos     "El Pachuco". For me the overt racism is well known but the use of a Zoot suit is better thought  of when one things of the urban dress todays inner city youth wear as a comparassion. Bottom line as stated by El Pachuco: The Press distorted the very meaning of the word "Zoot Suit." All it is for you guys is another way to say Mexican .
Not a film for everyone,but a gallant try none the less and I did enjoy it even if it made me somewhat dazed and confused.The film is in color not like the trailer URL that is below the picture.I took 2 stars off for the play within the movie setting and going of in to many directions at the same time.IMDB summary below.

 A kind of musical accompanying the story of the early 1940's and the effect that the "zoot suit" (a man's suit of long jacket and pegged pants, always worn with a long keychain that looped almost to the ankle.... the rebellious fashion of young men) had on the morals and attitudes of the people of that era. Written by BOB STEBBINS <>
Part fact and part fiction, Zoot Suit is the film version of Luis Valdez's critically acclaimed play, based on the actual Sleepy Lagoon murder case and the zoot suit riots of 1940s Los Angeles. Henry Reyna is the leader of a group of Mexican-Americans being sent to San Quentin without substantial evidence for the death of a man at Sleepy Lagoon. As part of the defense committee, Alice Bloomfield and George Shearer fight the blatant miscarriage of justice for the freedom of Henry and his friends. Written by Fiona Kelleghan <>

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Three Caballeros (1944) -Walt Disney cartoon - 5 stars out of 5 stars

It is sad that folks today forget"Classic"Disney and that, after all, was the reason the theme parks were able to be built.Perhaps the best of the early full length feature cartoons was this 1944 gem,that runs only 71 minutes.Perfection and family viewing personified.Note the early implementation of live action and animation.Who framed Rodger Rabbit would not come along till almost 25 years later !!!!My personnel enjoyment is the latin american theme as I always say I am a mexican by injection !!!So if you think its time for your kids to see something fun and educational,go old school,Disney old school.Full film URL link below the picture and a IMDB summary below.

 A large box arrives for Donald on his birthday, three gifts inside. He unwraps one at a time, and each takes him on an adventure. The first is a movie projector with a film about the birds of South American: Donald watches two cartoons, one tells of a penguin who longs to live on a tropical isle and the other about a gaucho boy who hunts the wild ostrich. The second gift is a pop-up book about Brazil. Inside is Zé Carioca, who takes Donald to Brazil's Bahia for a mix of animation and live action: the two cartoon birds sing and dance with natives. The third gift is a piñata, accompanied by Panchito. A ride on a magic serape takes the three amigos singing and dancing across Mexico. ¡Olé! Written by <>

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Darkest Hour - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Its not "Cloverfield",reviewed on this blog,but its OK in its own way but I took 1 and 1/2 stars off because it's NOT Cloverfield,ha,ha.Still this 2011 release that runs only 89 minutes has a few things worth seeing it for.How often do you see Moscow in films??Love the bad aliens who just wanna strip the land of resources and kill all in their way.Yes,I buy that,and young party kids,there's the Cloverfield connection,have to survive the party pooping alien night assault.Then it goes in a different direction of fighting on and escape by sub no less to join others.Thats about the gist of it,but good enough acting,Moscow scenes and good enough CGI make it a worth while view.It has a few good moments and is original in that regard.By the way,Olivia Thirlby and Max Minghella sort of grow on you and Georgiy Gromov and Dato Bakhtadze overact at all the right moments in small but highly visual roles.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

The American software designers Sean and Ben travel to Moscow to sell their software to investors. However, their Swedish partner Skyler pulls a fast one on Sean and Ben, and they are out of the business. They go to a nightclub, where they meet American Natalie and Australian Anne and they flirt with the girls and see Skyler in the club. Out of the blue, the population is surprised by lights, which they mistake for natural phenomena. But soon, they learn that the lights are aliens invading Earth and using power supply to annihilate mankind. Sean, Ben, Natalie, Anne and Skyler hide in the kitchen and when they leave the place, they seek out survivors on the street. Are they the last people on Earth? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Monday, June 3, 2013

Meet Joe Black - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins reunite after the classic film they made" Legends of the Fall "which was reviewed on this blog,and make this film adding a woman I am now in love with,Claire Forlani in a very,very weird spin on the old Faustian  deal with the devil idea.In this case the devil is death itself and it comes for this 65 old year rich guy with a offer to let him live day to day if death can be at his side to see what life is all about.Now as outlandish as this sort of plot is,coupled with only the rich get these perks,which I hate,IT WORKS !!!! That is because of these three actors and a reasonable supporting cast.As strong as Brad and Anthony are,my heart melts every time I see Claire.That said,I had to take off a full star for the outlandishly long length of 178 minutes!!! Released in 1998 you have to give it time.If you do,you will be rewarded. Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Bill Parrish, media tycoon, loving father and still a human being, is about to celebrate his 65th birthday. One morning, he is contacted by the Inevitable - by hallucination, as he thinks. Later, Death itself enters his home and his life, personified in a man's body: Joe Black has arrived. His intention was to take Bill with him, but accidentally, Joe's former host and Bills beautiful daughter Susan have already met. Joe begins to develop certain interest in life on earth as well as in Susan, who has no clue who she's flirting with. Written by Julian Reischl <>

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dalek's Invasion Earth 2150 AD 1966 - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

There was a 2 film issue of Dr Who and I'm reviewing the sequel as I have yet to see the first one.Why the interest?? Two reasons,first its Peter Cushing as the Dr. and second,he's a HUMAN,unlike the current series !!! There is a history here to explore as this film was released in 1966 with the blessing of the BBC who even kept some of the Daleks used in this film,in fact,they were in the series before the film was released.However that is the historical reason to see these films,this one runs but 84 minutes.Alas,its a 50/50 proposition as its cheesy and as silly as the series.It wasn't till 74-81 that the series really took off with Tom Baker as the Dr.,still this film is ok in its way vs the series of the day. Dalek fan should enjoy as well,as they also get a little different spin.So retro fan might want to  see it and I'm still trying to get the 1965 first film"Dr Who and The Daleks".Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

The Daleks' fiendish plot in 2150 against Earth and its people is foiled when Dr. Who and friends arrive from the 20th century and figure it out.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

One Two Three 1961 - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This 1961 release that runs 115 minutes is dated,BUT,what goes around comes back around.Its also in B&W for really no good reason for that,thus 1/2 star off.James Cagney, its also the last starring role in a film HE carried and shows another level of brilliance he had.COMEDY !!! This film was made for the time,1961.No Berlin wall just yet and Kennedy was our president and we were losing the cold war.Comedy is always the answer in trying times like that and so writer/director Billy Wilder gives us a fantastic humorous look that skewers the US and capitalism as well as communism as both being silly.To be sure but 16 years after the end of WW11 and the location of this film being Berlin,there are even more "German"jokes than US or Russian.Its so politically incorrect it has offensives for everyone and thats what makes it a "Black Comedy".It could NEVER be made today.There are a few reference to classic roles in other films that Cagney made like when he threatens to smash a grapefruit in someones face.
Today the film can bei just as relevant,just change the russians for the 99% !!!Coke could very easily be McDonalds today !!!
The pace is fast and snappy in more than a few ways and the ones liners,well,
" Schlemmer you're back in the SS, small salary! "
byThe cast is funny with a few recognizable faces,but it is Cagney's film.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.If you do more than stare at movie screens and actually pay attention to what is said,its your kinda of film,unless you are a PC baby.

Berlin is the epitome of political and economic polarization. A microcosm of that polarization is the life of American C.R. MacNamara, known as Mac to his friends. He is Coca-Cola's head of West Berlin operations, although he feels he deserves to be Coca-Cola's head of European operations based in London. Mac's wife, Phyllis, wants him instead to get a steady and stable job back in head office in Atlanta. His West Berlin staff are all still used to treating him like their old master, the Fuhrer. The one exception is his secretary, Ingeborg, who is the latest in the long line of his secretary mistresses. And he's working on a trade agreement of getting Coca-Cola into the Russian market. His life goes into a tailspin when he hosts Scarlett Hazeltine in his home for two weeks. She is the seventeen year old spoiled and party-loving daughter of his Atlanta based boss, Wendell Hazeltine. Unlike most of the stops she's made on her European trip, Scarlett seems to like West Berlin and stays ... Written by Huggo