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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ender's Game 2013 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

This 2013 release that runs 114 minutes seemed to resemble 1984’s the last star fighter,a film revised on this blog,but the ending is far different and confusing if not downright unpalatable.
Buts thats for YOU to decide,still thats why I only gave it a 3 stars rating.Interesting cast of mixed veteran actors like Harrisson Ford and some youngsters.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

The Earth was ravaged by the Formics, an alien race seemingly determined to destroy humanity. Seventy years later, the people of Earth remain banded together to prevent their own annihilation from this technologically superior alien species. Ender Wiggin, a quiet but brilliant boy, may become the savior of the human race. He is separated from his beloved sister and his terrifying brother and brought to battle school in orbit around earth. He will be tested and honed into an empathetic killer who begins to despise what he does as he learns to fight in hopes of saving Earth and his family. Written by CrystalSinger45, Jesse Daniels, strouda56

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Terror at the Mall 2014 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

HBO score another hit with this terror attack documentary that I won’t try to explain.The trailer URL is below the picture and a IMDB summary is below.Horror that is real !!!

On September 21st, 2013 a group of four to five young men aged between eighteen to twenty three from a radical Somali outfit related to Al Qaeda known as Al Shabaab, stormed an upmarket mall in Kenya's capital of Nairobi and went on a killing spree that left an estimated 71 people of different nationalities dead in its wake. The first responders included an armed businessman named Abdul Haji and several other plain-clothed cops who made the ultimate call not to wait for reinforcements but instead stormed into the Westgate mall with the aim of saving lives. We follow the heart-wrenching stories of the lucky survivors of this terrorist attack as they narrate the accounts of that Saturday afternoon. Some of them include women and children who lived to tell their stories. HBO also gives us the accounts of the first responders as we observe their performance thanks to the CCTV surveillance systems which the terror gang left intact. Written by Isaac