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Monday, July 4, 2016

Ted 2 - 2015 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

At 1 hour and 55 minutes I didn’t get board and thats a good thing.As sequels go it wasn’t bad and there were a few interesting cameos including someone you don’t see very often from DS9.That said,we could do less with drug jokes although the pipe one,ha,ha.
Still its no classic but compared to a lot of crap you could do worse,sorry spoiler,crap joke at end of film.
I do think Mark Wahlberg is short changed as a actor including his comedic abilities as displayed however childish, as is called for in this flick.So if you need a few yucks,check it out,nothing more that that.
Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.Enjoy

Months after John's divorce, Ted and Tami-Lynn's marriage seems on the same road. To patch things up, Ted and Tami-Lynn plan to have a child with John's help, but their failed efforts backfire disastrously. Namely, Ted is declared property by the government and he loses all his civil rights. Now, Ted must fight a seemingly hopeless legal battle with an inexperienced young lawyer to regain his rightful legal status. Unfortunately, between Ted's drunken idiocies and sinister forces interested in this situation to exploit him, Ted's quest has all the odds against him. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Sunday, July 3, 2016

London Has Fallen 2016 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

When we last saw Gerard Butler as Secret Service agent Mike Banning it was in Olympus Has Fallen (2013),reviewed on this blog,and he now returns with much the same supporting actors in this 1 hour 39 minute sequel that can’t live up to the first although it does TRY very hard.My big complaint is the terrorists.Name them as more than money grubbing arms dealers !! If your really into politics you’ll understand.Otherwise just enjoy the semi destruction of London as pure action fair.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.You could do a lot worse for the holiday.

After the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysterious circumstances, all leaders of the Western world must attend his funeral. But what starts out as the most protected event on earth, turns into a deadly plot to kill the world's most powerful leaders and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. The President of the United States, his formidable secret service head and a British MI-6 agent who trusts no one are the only people that have any hope of stopping it. Written by Anonymous