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Friday, December 13, 2013

Magic Mike 2012 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Strange film indeed.Male stripping or a comment on being too self centered?You'll have to decide.The casting of Matthew McConaughey and Channing Tatum make it worth one view.It could have been a lot worse film but not sure if it could have much better.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

Mike Lane is a thirty-year old living in Tampa,Florida. By day he works as a roofer whilst at night, as Magic Mike, he is the star attraction of the Kings of Tampa, a group of male strippers. Secretly he wants out in order to further a projected furniture-making business but his credit rating precludes a bank loan for this despite his considerable savings. One night Adam, a teen-aged work-mate of Mike, follows him to the club and, when one of the acts is unable to go on,he is prevailed upon to strip - becoming a huge hit. However success goes to his head and his foolish actions not only threaten to jeopardize his sister Brooke's relationship with Mike but Mike's ambitions as well. Written by don @ minifie-1

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