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Monday, September 10, 2012

The Fountainhead - 4 stars out of 5 stars

For this political election season I recommend this old 1949 classic that runs 114 minutes,as a primer on the republican parties goddess,Ayn Rand.This film is in B&W and VERY dated and might not interest younger viewers.That is a shame and the only reason I took off 1 star. Clearly defined is the argument of individual vs the collective as this film is based on the novel and the screenplay itself is written by Ayn Rand.The metaphor is freedom of ideas expressed by a architect who must fight against conformity to have his own work commissioned.Adding to the intense melodrama is as weird a triangle as you'll ever see between Gary Cooper as Howard Roark,the idealistic architect and the always dynamic Raymond Massey as Gail Wynand ,one who was as Roark but is no longer.Finally never more beautiful Patricia Neal     as Dominique Francon  who loves one,but marries the other. The rest of the cast are well recognized actors of that era. The story covers years of fighting against the norms for ones own integrity and clearly defines that giving of oneself for nothing,in regards to helping others through collectiveness,is slavery.This film does define the arguments of big government ( the norms) vs small entrepreneurial spirt ( the individual) we hear today in yesterdays terms.Both are clearly defined.Highly recommended.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

An uncompromising, visionary architect struggles to maintain his integrity and individualism despite personal, professional and economic pressures to conform to popular standards.

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