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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

TV Series - House of Cards 2013 - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Netfliks hit a grand slam with this original programming TV series.The only reason to take 1/2 star off is because its a political drama and well,many might find it boring or unintelligible.However if you follow politics then this is your catnip.Its based on a old BBC Tv series i have yet to see and has a odd stage gimmick from good old Shakespears "King Richard the third"you'll pick up on it almost immediately or if you aren't familiar with that play,you'll see it as a rather unique scene enhancement like the clock in the old and yet soon to return series"24".While Kevin Spacey created a wonderfully evil new villain,the rest of the cast is fine as well.So do watch and get a insight to how the government works WHEN they work as they don't much these days.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

A Congressman works with his equally conniving wife to exact revenge on the people who betrayed him.

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