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Monday, March 24, 2014

White House Down 2013 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5

Released in 2013 and running long at 131 minutes,my main complaint is poor acting by Channing Tatum and the films confusion about being a comedy vs a drama.However the rest of the cast works quite well including special kudos to Joey King and Jason Clarke.If you want SERIOUS and scary see "Olympus Has Fallen"also reviewed on this blog,otherwise take this film as a comedy ,violence,black president and all.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country. Written by Columbia Pictures

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