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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Red Dawn - 2012 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Many folks are down on this film for political reasons like reshooting the parts showing the enemy as North Korean instead of the originally filmed Chinese.That matters little as the original film reviewed on this blog as well had them as Russian and Cuban.Aside from the fact its not as good as the original it is still watchable and somewhat interesting if you’ve not seen the first one.The cast is fine led by Chris Hemsworth but it remains to be seen if they emerge as the stars the first film produced which was also part of its charm.At only 93 minutes it won’t hurt you to find out.IMDB summary below and a trailer link follow the picture.

The city of Spokane, Washington is awakened by a North Korean paratrooper invasion. Marine Corps veteran Jed Eckert and his civilian brother, Matt, escape with a group of friends to an isolated cabin in the woods, where they witness the execution of their father at the hands of the ruthless Captain Cho. The brothers unite with their friends to form a guerrilla resistance group--the Wolverines--to drive the invaders from their home. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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