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Monday, January 5, 2015

TV Series - Ascension (2014) ( mini series) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

If knowing that the actress Tricia Helfer, the Cylon from Battlestar Galactic,is in this isn’t enough to have you take a peep,I don’t know what to say.There is a few good storylines as well as a twist on telekinesis but the main storyline is a sort,wait for this,secret experiment like the old bio spheres with a Capricorn One  twist.Only much more sinister.I sort of thought of it as a big “pilot” again sort of the way Battlestar Galactic was done. So do check it out and there is a trailer after the picture as well as a very short IMDB summary below.

A young woman's murder causes the subjects of a century-long mission to populate a new world to question the true nature of the project as they approach the point of no return.

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