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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Love Me Tender 1956 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

OK its in B&W and made in 1956 so it tame by todays standards and the music and gyrations are not of THAT time.Those are the negatives.However NOW the positives,GREAT cast all around,and hey trekee’s you’ll recognize William Campbell who played  a few guest spots in Star Trek.Elvis and a realistic soap opera type story.Its only 89 minutes so you do have the time.Trailer follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Elvis plays Clint Reno, one of the Reno brothers who stayed home while his brother went to fight in the Civil War for the Confederate army. When his brother Vance comes back from the war, he finds that his old girlfriend Cathy has married Clint. The family has to struggle to reach stability with this issue. Vance is involved in a train robbery, while a Confederate soldier, of Federal Government money. There is a conflict of interest, when Vance tries to return the money, against the wishes of some of his fellow Confederates.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Draft Day 2014 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2014 and running 110 minutes,this film shows that sometimes
“stepping in it“pays off.Really?Well luck is a matter of fact when all things are equal especially in sports.Worth a view for die hard football fans and if your not,well think Forrest Gump just a little in the sense that it can’t be happening.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

At the NFL Draft, general manager Sonny Weaver has the opportunity to rebuild his team when he trades for the number one pick. He must decide what he's willing to sacrifice on a life-changing day for a few hundred young men with NFL dreams.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Aeon Flux 2005 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Back in the 80’s a saw some cartoons on MTV same name,very sexy and violent futuristic stuff that I couldn’t let the kids watch,and by extension,little could I. How I missed this 2005 movie based on those cartoon,well,saw it now.Its still very violent and somewhat sexy,BUT a very muddled storyline.Still I’m pleased to have seen it once now.If you hadn’t seen bits and peaces of the cartoon,like me,perhaps you might wish to pass on this.Weird but hey,Charlize Theron.However at only 93 minutes,its not a lot of time.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.One last comment,perhaps it should be remade with better writing.

400 years in the future, set in the year 2415, Aeon Flux is a mysterious assassin. Four centuries after a virus nearly annihilated the human race, leaving only five million survivors in a utopian city called Bregna. Aeon is struggling to destroy the Goodchild regime led by its namesake, Trevor Goodchild, the ruler of Bregna and a descendant of the man who found a cure for the deadly virus. As instructed by the Handler, Aeon is assigned to assassinate Goodchild, but there are deeper secrets to be discovered, and conspiracies to be foiled. Written by Anthony Pereyra {}