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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Love Me Tender 1956 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

OK its in B&W and made in 1956 so it tame by todays standards and the music and gyrations are not of THAT time.Those are the negatives.However NOW the positives,GREAT cast all around,and hey trekee’s you’ll recognize William Campbell who played  a few guest spots in Star Trek.Elvis and a realistic soap opera type story.Its only 89 minutes so you do have the time.Trailer follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Elvis plays Clint Reno, one of the Reno brothers who stayed home while his brother went to fight in the Civil War for the Confederate army. When his brother Vance comes back from the war, he finds that his old girlfriend Cathy has married Clint. The family has to struggle to reach stability with this issue. Vance is involved in a train robbery, while a Confederate soldier, of Federal Government money. There is a conflict of interest, when Vance tries to return the money, against the wishes of some of his fellow Confederates.

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