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Friday, August 2, 2013

Capricorn One 1977 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1977 and running 123 minutes,this just might be the BEST conspiracy film ever made on ANY issue.I had to take 1 full star off because of a few plot loose ends and the fact that many won't see this film today because OJ Simpson is in it.That said,we live in a time when no one believes anything the government says and well back before 1977 when this film was made,many believed the US never went to the moon and it was all faked. Back to the cast.Even though OJ gets a starring billing,it was for box office back in that day,his part is rather small.The 2 stars really who carry this film are both paramours of Barbra Streisand who is NOT involved with the film.They are  Elliott Gould as Robert Caulfield,a bull headed reporter,and James Brolin as Charles Brubaker,a astronaut caught up in a fake landing on the planet Mars.The rest of the cast is really good as well and recognizable as fine actors of that time.Now I DO believe is space exploration but this is a fine fantasy of "what ifs".Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

 Charles Brubaker is the astronaut leading NASA's first manned mission to Mars. Seconds before the launch, the entire team is pulled from the capsule and the rocket leaves earth unmanned much to Brubaker's anger. The head of the programme explains that the life support system was faulty and that NASA can't afford the publicity of a scratched mission. The plan is to fake the Mars landing and keep the astronauts at a remote base until the mission is over, but then investigative journalist Robert Caulfield starts to suspect something. Written by Col Needham <>

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