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Monday, August 5, 2013

The Birth of a Nation 1915 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Before I give my 2 cents on this 1915 B&W silent film,the second I have reviewed, that runs  165  minutes,let me say that the late Rodger  Ebert,renowned deceased film critic,put if far better than I can,so i have put a link below to his review as you might benefit from his prose more than mine.

That all said and leaving the racism that is obvious in the film,I'll give my opinions in other areas.I took 1 and 1/2 stars off for being in B&W and silent ,which honestly half the folks alive will avoid this film for.Also it does glamorize "the klan"a bit too much.Now for the plus's.The first half of the film is a great reference to parts of the civil war.Made less than 50 years after that war,and now almost 100 years after that.Its a marvel of battle seances and the assassination of  Abe Lincoln .Also its a interesting tale of 2 families separated by War yet intertwined in many other ways.There is much to see and gain  insite from,after understanding that racism is not always apparent even to the racist.For even D.W. Griffith stated at the very beginning that slavery would cause disunity.So if your a real student of history and human nature,its a film to be studied and learned from and can be debated on so many levels.After all,isn't that the definition of a classic film??Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

Two brothers, Phil and Ted Stoneman, visit their friends in Piedmont, South Carolina: the family Cameron. This friendship is affected by the Civil War, as the Stonemans and the Camerons must join up opposite armies. The consequences of the War in their lives are shown in connection to major historical events, like the development of the Civil War itself, Lincoln's assassination, and the birth of the Ku Klux Klan. Written by Victor Munoz <>

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