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Monday, May 26, 2014

Lost in Space 1998 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Unlike "The Lone Ranger"a film reviewed on this blog also based on a classic TV show,this 1998 release that runs 130 minutes,is harder to feel as the TV show was almost all a comedy and turning to  Gary Oldman     to play Dr. Zachary Smith / Spider Smith didn't work for me.Still in many respects its not too bad IF you haven't seen the TV show.2 cameos by the original actors from the series is thus wasted in that respect.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

In the year 2058, the Earth will soon be uninhabitable after the irreversible effects of pollution and global warming! Professor John Robinson, lead scientist of the Jupiter 2 Mission, will lead his family to the habitable planet Alpha Prime to prep it for colonization. The Jupiter 2 is equipped with a hyperdrive that allows faster-than-light travel, which will eventually be employed to evacuate the citizens of Earth. However hypergates must be constructed on Earth and Alpha Prime to provide stable points of departure and arrival. Dr. Zachary Smith is bribed by a terrorist organization to sabotage the mission, and ends up an unwilling stowaway as the ship blasts off. Written by Anthony Pereyra <>

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