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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Captain America - The Winter Soldier - 2014 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Growing up I was a DC comics fan not Mavel ,however my grandson has me watching some of these newer flicks and while I have yet to see the first one,this second installment of the “Captain America”series isn’t have bad.Sure its heavy on FX and not so much on plot or character development,I’ll give that a pass because I missed the first one.Two box office “A” list actors made it watchable as well. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and  Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow are those actors and I was plseantly surprised by a major role from retired legend  Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce.Sadly major role and lead  Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America  is not in this class although he is a hard worker.Now the plot is rather out there but so were comics,no?Flying aircraft carriers?So if the kids want a comic/action flick you can do far worse.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

As Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world, he teams up with another super soldier, the black widow, to battle a new threat from old history: an assassin known as the Winter Soldier.

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