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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Cape No. 7 - 2008 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5

Ah how to begin.First its too long at 129 minutes but thats the only real negative along with being subtitled.Its a love set in Taiwan between a Japanese advance girl coming to set up a beach front performance by a Japanese male singer but she needs a local opening band act.However if you get through the standard “The Commitments”and “The Full Monty”early sort of storyline ,both films previously reviewed here,then you’ll get to seewhy this film represented Taiwan in the Best Foreign Film category of the Oscar Academy Award 2009, but unfortunately it was not nominated.AND that is an improbable love story superimposed over a lost one 60 years earlier with tinges of Casablanca thrown in,another film reviewed here prior, but in reverse.You have to see it to get it.So the trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

A unusual group of people in a village on the coast of Taiwan form a band to perform at a beach concert, while the lead singer searches for the intended recipient of 7 lost love letters.

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