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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Field of Lost Shoes - 2014 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

The American Civil War is by far the war that lasts forever in this countries collective memory and was decreed in absentia by the flawed original signing of the Declaration of Independence leaving slavery intact.
You would think that makes for great films and in many cases it did,however rarely do they have mass appeal. This 2014 release that sometimes seems longer then its 96 minutes,a flaw in pacing,is not preachy yet stark in some of its depiction that may seem uneven at times.Its based on a historic battle fought by cadets from VMI (Virginia Military Institute) that still exists today.However its also a coming of age film and in that sense some might find it corny,I didn’t.The young actors were good but unknown to me.The “b”level adult actors were also good and you’ll recognize a few,yet less screen time than the youngins.So if you like a somewhat different twist to a Civil War film yet keeping it “real”you might enjoy it.I certainly was pleasantly surprised.One of my lesser known gems.The films trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

In the midst of a prolonged and deadly American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln appoints a very different kind of general, Ulysses S. Grant, Chief of Union Forces. Grant acts decisively. He brings total war to the pristine Shenandoah Valley, breadbasket of the South. The superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute volunteers to send the Corps of Cadets to protect the valley. 274 young cadets march northward toward the strategic valley choke-point of New Market. On the day of battle, Confederate General John C. Breckenridge, former Vice President of the United States, and commander of southern forces in Valley, is faced with a horrible decision. When Southern forces are jeopardized, he orders the young cadets into battle.
- Written by Anonymous

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