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Friday, August 28, 2015

TV Series - Public Morals 2014 (TNT) 4 stars out of 5 stars

Although only 1 episode has aired on TNT so far 3 more are “on demand”on my cable system so I’ve seen 4, and while I love the 60’s setting of the series I’m not sure where the plot is going.I’ve seen enough series  to know a first season can often be that way so as long as the surroundings hold and the acting is good,stay with it for awhile.I’m hoping eventually for a Serpico meets Goodfellas or something along those lines down the road.The show seems to stand on Edward Burns as a actor and creator of the show with a push from Steven Spielbergs production company.So theres not much to say other than I feel good about its chances and recommend as a gritty NYC cops and criminals set pieace.Trailer URL foods the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

Set in the early 1960's in New York City's Public Morals Division, where cops walk the line between morality and criminality as the temptations that come from dealing with all kinds of vice can get the better of them.

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