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Monday, August 31, 2015

White Chicks - 2004 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

OK this 2004 film is highly UN-PC and couldn’t be made today.Still it WAS made in 2004 and runs 109 and the unevenness is the acting and makeup.The scene and movie stealer was a turn by the now successful ex football player turned actor Terry Crews as Latrell Spencer,a pro BB player and he alone was enough for me !!!Now as a comedy the schtick is old school,guys in drag.This is a bit different and thats good and sadly bad.Two black FBI guys,Shawn and Marlon Wayans, pose as two blond FEMALE society spoiled brats at the Hamptons on LI to foil a kidnapping plot.That works,even the posing to a degree,but their in is the failure as well.Facial make up didn’t quite sell it.Still a few good laughs and a few that made me cringe.However you won’t see a film quite like it again I believe. I enjoyed Busy Phillips as Karen but the rest of the cast was just so,so.So there’s a trailer URL after the picture and a IMDB summary below.You could do a lot worse and a little better.

After an unsuccessful mission, FBI agents Kevin Copeland and Marcus Copeland fall in disgrace in the agency. They decide to swap their bad position with his superior Section Chief Elliott Gordon working undercover in an abduction case, disguised in the two spoiled white daughters of a tycoon, Brittany and Tiffany Wilson, getting in hilarious situations. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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