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Friday, October 5, 2012

A Hard Days Night - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1964 and running only 87 there is little not to like in this classic beatles film.Because its in b&w sadly younger viewers may not enjoy it and its as corny as any old "monkeys"TV show you may have seen,thats why I took 1 star off,BUT IT'S THE BEATLES !!!!Early on in their career,and my favorite time for them.Even the b&w fits with the innocence of that time.Lines like,are you a mod or a rocker ?i'm a mocker,still make me laugh.They were something and we shall not EVER see their like again.A must see foe historical reasons if you love music and fun.The other actors are just fillers and the story,what story??Its just a funny romp to a performance with the group hamming it up in little SNL type vignette's  along the way.There would have never been a SNL or The Monkeys or even music videos without the hilarity shown in these loose tied together gags scenes of a film.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

The Beatles--the world's most famous rock and roll band--travel from their home town of Liverpool to London to perform in a television broadcast. Along the way they must rescue Paul's unconventional grandfather from various misadventures and drummer Ringo goes missing just before the crucial concert. Written by Jim Beaver <>

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