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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

North Star - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

With a cast of James Caan,Christopher Lambert and Burt Young,I expected a whole lot more than I got from this 1996 film that ran 90 minutes. Sadley its only a 50/50 proposition because of the snowy Alaska setting with dog sleds and all.It's nearly watcable because the plot is so cliche and done so often before, just not with all these cold weather settings.So if you need a western good vs evil with some snow throw in on a HOT summer night,maybe……..
Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Set during the Alaskan gold rush of the late 1800's. In his efforts to gain control of a small mining town, Sean McLennon is buying up every mining claim that becomes available, usually after the deaths of the previous owners at the hands of McLennon's 'assistants'. One of the miners targeted by McLennon, a half-Indian hunter named Hudson Saanteek, manages to escape his hired thugs and comes back into town looking to re-establish his claim and get revenge. McLennon and his men have the advantange of numbers and weapons, but Saanteek has his survival skills and knowledge of the Alaskan wilderness. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher <>

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