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Friday, October 12, 2012

The Bridge on the River Kwai - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1957 and running 161 minutes,another classic film made to absorb and make you contemplate as a good novel once did for those of you have never read one.
Its hard to add to the IMDB summary directly below and a trailer URL follows the pix.However I must add that seen in todays dark exploration into humanity, only heightens the impact of this film of 60+ years ago, strange as that may seem.I will only add that again William Holden as Shears,the american,again shows that he just might be the most underrated actor that ever lived.Of course  Alec Guinness as Colonel Nicholson shows you younger folks he was far more than Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi.The rest of the cast is fine as well.MUST SEE for many reasons,least of which is the conversations you'll have for weeks to come. OH yes,you might become a whistler afterwards.

The film deals with the situation of British prisoners of war during World War II who are ordered to build a bridge to accommodate the Burma-Siam railway. Their instinct is to sabotage the bridge but, under the leadership of Colonel Nicholson, they are persuaded that the bridge should be constructed as a symbol of British morale, spirit and dignity in adverse circumstances. At first, the prisoners admire Nicholson when he bravely endures torture rather than compromise his principles for the benefit of the Japanese commandant Saito. He is an honorable but arrogant man, who is slowly revealed to be a deluded obsessive. He convinces himself that the bridge is a monument to British character, but actually is a monument to himself, and his insistence on its construction becomes a subtle form of collaboration with the enemy. Unknown to him, the Allies have sent a mission into the jungle, led by Warden and an American, Shears, to blow up the bridge. Written by alfiehitchie

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