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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Robot Monster - 4 stars out of 5 stars

You have to know your sci-fi and enjoy all types of movies and understand the differences between camp and before it's time and just plain bad to "get"this film.First off it's made in 1953 and runs only 66 minutes.Short and to the point.Man has been discovered,deemed unworthy and will be destroyed.Not hard to understand after only 8 years and the memory of world war two and the atom bomb.So what we really have is the first real "post apocalypse" picture.It's even a tribute to "The Wizard of Oz"as its all in a child's dream.
Ok,ok,some real camp stuff,but hey it's 1953 and made THAT way.Lots of reference to TV however as the alien uses a "flat screen"TV to communicate and has TV antenna's in his fish bowl head gear over a ape suite.Yea,early "planet of the apes"inspiration???
It even has scenes no one would be allowed to shoot afterwards because of standards and practice codes dealing with child harm although in silly 1950's context.
Bottom line,its bad because we expect so much,but if it was a 1050's film school project,"A",maybe it was ???By the way,Elmer Bernstein was music director and George Nader is a earlier version of Leslie Nielsen and that accent of John Mylong rivals Bela Lugosi however Gregory Moffett won't have anyone forgetting Judy Garland anytime soon.The rest of the cast including the love interest Claudia Barrett,are second rate.
Still if you "like"cinema,this work is a must as early trail setting sci-fi or high camp but its NOT THAT BAD !!!!!!
I took a star of for b&w and being sooooooo very dated.
Trailer URL follows the pix.

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