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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Leaving Las Vegas - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Truly a adult film that can be tough to watch at times.1 star off for being so adult and 4 stars  for the same odd reasoning.Watch a man self  destruct and a woman gain strength from it.Odd but thats why its so adult.The acting is first rate by Cage and Shue.Fine supporting actors as well.The story is whats key here.A man who lost his family and job decides to go to Las Vegas and drink himself to death.There he meets a hooker who he pays to be with him till he finishes this task.Along the way she sort of reaches a redemption of sorts although she was good at what she did and proud of it.Hard to fathom but you won't see another film quite like it nor ever see Cage as understated as he is in this role.Shue shocks in the way she plays such a hard hooker.She should have had a much better acting career based on this performance.Released in 1995 it runs 111 minutes.Trailer URL below the pix.Watch if you feeling down,you'll see it could get worse.

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