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Friday, October 28, 2011

Texas Rangers 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2001 and running 90 minutes this is not a great western by any means but it is interesting.A very unique cast does a more modern darker version of this old chestnut but falls short.Thats why I took 1 1/2 stars off.The cast is what makes it watchable and even recommended.Start with     Dylan McDermott as Leander McNelly add Alfred Molina as John King Fisher mix in Ashton Kutcher as George Durham and stir with the rest of a fine cast and you get a cold, hard ,adult western.So if you want a extremely violent good vs bad western give it a try.IMDB summary below as well as a trailer URL below the pix.Oh and did I mention Usher as Randolph Douglas Scipio ??

Set after the American Civil War in the 1870s, 'Texas Rangers' is a story about a group of men determined to maintain peace and contain the chaos that is erupting on the Texan frontier. Native Americans are attempting to reclaim their land, Mexicans are pouring over the U.S. border, and renegade outlaws are tearing up the state, so the Texas Rangers swear to protect the innocent and their loved. To do so, they must be willing to maintain the peace where law enforcement cannot, fight while they are out-manned and out-armed by the opponent, and be willing to die for the freedom for which they fight. Written by Anna <>

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