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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Manhunter - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Lets see,is Michael Mann my favorite director?This is the forth movie I've reviewed that he's directed.The Last of the Mohicans,The Keep,Theif and he produced Kingdom of Heaven.Well back to this film.It was remade in 2002 as "Red Dragon "which I'll review down the road as it was ok.This is a classic however.Released in 1986 it runs 119 minutes and introduced us to Dr. Hannibal Lecktor  played by Brian Cox. This might have been the role that launched William Petersen's career as he played  Will Graham a FBI profiler who has to get Lecktor to help him ID a serial killer.The book the film is based on as well as the movie were done well before "Silence of the Lambs"which is better known I think because of the great chemistry between the actors in that film which I'll review at a later date.This is the prequel if you will.Will had caught Lecktor but was almost killed doing it.Now in prison a new serial killer "fan"is killing and communicating with Lector and Will has to find and stop him before Will's own family is killed.Will and Lecktor play a dangerous game of cat and mouse with each other as Will's family's life will be the prize.The story is gripping as we follow the special"talent"Will has of putting himself into the mindset of a killer while trying to stay sane.There's a nice turn by Dennis Farina as Jack Crawford a FBI friend who gets Will to come into the current serial killer case before its clear that Will's family is next.Tom Noonan as Francis Dollarhyde our new killer,and     Joan Allen as Reba McClane a blind co worker of the killer is outstanding as she adds a strong sub plot to the already gripping story line.There are a lot of other fine acting performances but Cox's role as Lector is far more sinister and cerebral  than Hopkins tho not as scary maybe?So do yourself a favor and see the Silence prequel its better.Oh by the way Clareace  is Wills replacement in Silence for your info.Trailer URL follows the pix.Oh and did I mention good soundtrack as well?

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