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Monday, October 24, 2011

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three ( 1974 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Not to be confused with the so-so remake with Dezel and Johnny "T" this is the original and really great for its time with a wonderful cast.Only issue is it couldn't make up it's mind which it wanted to be,comedy or drama.So I took 1 star off for not being as strong as it could have been. Released in 1974 and running 104 minutes,the story's focus is a gang of robbers who highjack a NYC subway train and hold it ,with passengers ,for ransom.
The gang is led by Robert Shaw     as Blue ,who come up against Walter Matthau as transit police officer Lt. Zachary Garber .However the comedy comes in with a funny turn by Lee Wallace as The Mayor .If you know NYC you know thats a poke at Mayor Koch who led the city after winning the mayor's race following a transit strike.There's also the fact that its a inside job with as transit worker setting the escape up.All in all it is a funny good drama(?) thats better than the remake which is so serious !!The trailer follows the pix and is highly recommended.

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