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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lone Star State of Mind - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

I was fooled by this picture so maybe I'm being harsh,you can decide if you see it once.The title recalled "Lone Star"which I LOVED and was the very first film I reviewed on this blog,and a cast that included Joshua Jackson as Earl Crest  and John Mellencamp as Wayne ,which also intrigued me.However the only thing this film had in common with Lone star was a romance between siblings and they weren't blood relations rather children of parents who married after having them in different marriages and the kids knew each other BEFORE said marriages so really apples and oranges when compared with Lone Star.Also this film is a comedy not a drama but people DO die in the film and I also thought it was a little condescending towards Texas and small town life.Also its not that funny nether.Released in 2002 and runs a short 88 minutes I only score the 2 1/2 stars for the reasons I mentioned that interested me enough to view it.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below

Earl is engaged to his step-sister Baby. Baby has entrusted him to take care of her misfit cousin Junior. Baby is also intent on leaving Texas for LA on Tuesday. When Junior and his recently released ex-con friend Tinker rob a pizza delivery boy and end up with $20,000 of drug money Earl is forced onto the scene, giving up his and Baby's LA money to save Juniors limbs. Written by k wedgwood

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