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Friday, December 9, 2011

The Passion Of Ayn Rand - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Another film that wasn't what I expected but I guess this time it's my fault.When you see a film like this you expect a sort of bio film not a film showing character flaws yet this is such a film and as such do I really want to see this ,NO.Ayn Rand portrayed by Helen Mirren is the reason to see this fin.She is stunning !!!The late author Rand may be the most controversial literary figure of our time but this film just skips over that fact in lieu of weird but progressive love triangle in the 50's and 60's that might be interesting but was not what I expected.So I coud only give a 2 1/2 stars 50 -50 rating for not covering the subject the way I thought it might.Released in 1999 and running 104 minutes, I couldn't find a trailer instead clips from the film put to gather by a fan with music NOT from the film. That URL is following the pix and below is a IMDB summary.

The novelist Ayn Rand engaged in an affair with a psychologist 25 years her junior by the name of Nathaniel Branden. Branden built up an institute to spread Rand's ideas, but the two eventually had a falling out. This is the story of the affair, based on the book by Branden's wife, Barbara. Written by Martin Lewison <>

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