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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Syriana - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2005 and running a little long at 128 minutes this film is interesting for a few reasons.A non sexually charged and a little budgie George Clooney as Bob Barnes.My man Alexander Siddig as a good arab,Prince Nasir Al-Subaai and a host of other stars,including Matt Damon, make it worth the watch alone.Timely and on the oil topic  IF a little "out there"still the subjects in this film are rarely discussed as they are here and at least thats a start. My only issue is the ending and the sense you get after viewing the film that all is hopeless.Thus I took 1 and 1/2 stars off.IMDB summary below and trailer URL follows the pix.Enjoy.

A missile disappears in Iran, but the CIA has other problems: the heir to an Emirate gives an oil contract to China, cutting out a US company that promptly fires its immigrant workers and merges with a small firm that has landed a Kazakhstani oil contract. The Department of Justice suspects bribery, and the oil company's law firm finds a scapegoat. The CIA also needs one when its plot to kill the Emir-apparent fails. Agent Bob Barnes, the fall guy, sorts out the double cross. An American economist parlays the death of his son into a contract to advise the sheik the CIA wants dead. The jobless Pakistanis join a fundamentalist group. All roads start and end in the oil fields. Written by <>

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