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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rollercoaster - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1977 and running a little long at 119 minutes here is another film that BEGS to be remade.The story is simple enough.The old bad guy demanding money or he'll do more bad things and involves a innocent as a go between with the good guys.So because we've seen it and its a old dated movie and I'm not buying the bad guy,Timothy Bottoms ,I had to take 2 stars off.The plus though are the performances of George Segal as Harry Calder ,the innocent go between and Richard Widmark as Agent Hoyt the good guy.A very young Helen Hunt as Tracy Calder the daughter of Harry is too short a role but interesting to see that young none the less.The other good thing is the continuing quite smoking task that Harry goes through throughout  the film.Good for a few giggles.Waiting for a remake.Trailer URL below the pix and a IMDB summary below.

The plot is about a guile young terrorist who is able to blackmail a series of companies by placing home-made radio controlled bombs within the central attraction of amusement parks; roller coasters. The young man played by Timothy Bottoms gives a hard time to the cops after they give him UV marked money. He then wants revenge and places a bomb in a roller coaster at the most important amusement park event of the year. Written by Nebiros <>

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