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Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Tale of Two Cities (1935) - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This is one of the greatest stories of sacrifice for love ever told,anytime or  anywhere.There are other versions of the great Dicken's novel on film and perhaps some day I will see them or maybe not.This 1935 version that runs 128 minutes is a bucket list film for true romantics and film buffs.The reason I took 1/2 star off is B&W and no other reason at all. Ronald Colman as Sydney Carton is the focal point and well deserved, Blanche Yurka as Madame De Farge,brings a almost Shakespeare turn,much like his Lady McBeth character, to this role but more sympathetic I believe.Compelling is a understatement.  Even Basil Rathbone as the evil Marquis St. Evremonde,a suitable flashpoint for this drama works better than can be imagined.Yes the cast  is A++.If you never read the story in school,you were deprived of love set against a revolutionary backdrop endured by a lovable loser who we can never hope to match in word nor deed. I can say no more.Make up for that lost time now while you still can.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

An elaborate adaptation of Dickens' classic tale of the French Revolution. Dissipated lawyer Sydney Carton defends emigre Charles Darnay from charges of spying against England. He becomes enamored of Darnay's fiancée, Lucie Manette, and agrees to help her save Darnay from the guillotine when he is captured by Revolutionaries in Paris. Written by Marg Baskin <>

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