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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fantasia 1940 Disney cartoon - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Arguably Disney's best film. Released in 1940,yes 73 years ago,and running 125 minutes,its a gallant attempt at education through entertainment.For that it deserves to still be shown in schools across this vast country.Music and movement can create art that educates and informs as well as entertains.Too many have lost that skill or don't think that education and message is as important as entertaining.Sadly that is why I took 1 star off.Its very dated in its aims, and for children to seek it  without any classroom study credit may be asking to much these days.Still it represents what art can be in the hands of true artists.Rest in peace Mr Disney.The world misses you.Computers?He didn't have no stink's CGI computer effects !!!! Film clip url follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

 Disney animators set pictures to Western classical music as Leopold Stokowski conducts the Philadelphia Orchestra. "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" features Mickey Mouse as an aspiring magician who oversteps his limits. "The Rite of Spring" tells the story of evolution, from single-celled animals to the death of the dinosaurs. "Dance of the Hours" is a comic ballet performed by ostriches, hippos, elephants, and alligators. "Night on Bald Mountain" and "Ave Maria" set the forces of darkness and light against each other as a devilish revel is interrupted by the coming of a new day. Written by David Thiel <>

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