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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Darkest Hour - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Its not "Cloverfield",reviewed on this blog,but its OK in its own way but I took 1 and 1/2 stars off because it's NOT Cloverfield,ha,ha.Still this 2011 release that runs only 89 minutes has a few things worth seeing it for.How often do you see Moscow in films??Love the bad aliens who just wanna strip the land of resources and kill all in their way.Yes,I buy that,and young party kids,there's the Cloverfield connection,have to survive the party pooping alien night assault.Then it goes in a different direction of fighting on and escape by sub no less to join others.Thats about the gist of it,but good enough acting,Moscow scenes and good enough CGI make it a worth while view.It has a few good moments and is original in that regard.By the way,Olivia Thirlby and Max Minghella sort of grow on you and Georgiy Gromov and Dato Bakhtadze overact at all the right moments in small but highly visual roles.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

The American software designers Sean and Ben travel to Moscow to sell their software to investors. However, their Swedish partner Skyler pulls a fast one on Sean and Ben, and they are out of the business. They go to a nightclub, where they meet American Natalie and Australian Anne and they flirt with the girls and see Skyler in the club. Out of the blue, the population is surprised by lights, which they mistake for natural phenomena. But soon, they learn that the lights are aliens invading Earth and using power supply to annihilate mankind. Sean, Ben, Natalie, Anne and Skyler hide in the kitchen and when they leave the place, they seek out survivors on the street. Are they the last people on Earth? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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