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Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Jackal 1997 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Based on a older movie and updated so I'll have to that other one to comment on the relation,"Day of the Jackal 1975",this film rocks even if its a little hard to believe,thus the one star off. After the cold war ended,the Russian mob was born and the Russian "Police"based on mostly old KGB guys gets help from the FBI to fight these new mobsters. Thats the premise of this 1997 release that runs 124 minutes.From there evolves the plot of a hidden killer sent to the US to exact vengeance for the mob.What holds the film together is inspired casting and some good action.The cast is A+ headed by Sidney Poitier as a FBI agent,Richard Gere as a IRA fighter imprisoned in the US,Bruce Willis as the BAD guy,The Jackal and a fine turn by  Diane Venora     as Major Valentina Koslova ,Mathilda May as a recovered Basque separatist and finally,get this now,Jack Black as a wise ass machinist.Inspired !!!
Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.Worth your time.

Russian mobster Terek Murad has declared open season on the Russian militia and the United States FBI over the shooting of his brother in a Moscow nightclub. He hires "The Jackal" -- an elusive, nasty assassin -- to kill FBI Director Donald Brown. Present at the shooting of Murad's brother were FBI Deputy Director Carter Preston and Major Valentina Koslova of the Russian militia. Nearly no one has ever seen The Jackal, save for Declan Mulqueen, an imprisoned IRA sniper. Upon learning that the Director Brown is a target, Preston and Koslova enlist the services of the reluctant Mulqueen to track down the Jackal before he can assassinate Brown. Written by Jeff Cross <>

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